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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Nice "pick up" from Sonora Mexico

    Like 30" of mass, sweet
  2. wildwoody

    Elk Mounts X 3

    EBay is also good as mentioned above, just watch out for the shipping on taxidermy, it ain't cheap
  3. wildwoody

    5BS- First scout

    I here that..
  4. wildwoody


    Star valley got us some..
  5. wildwoody

    Elk Mounts X 3

    that third one is cool.
  6. wildwoody

    Wall Tent Photos

    Very nice
  7. wildwoody

    Drew AZ Unit 8 Late season Rifle Bull--Help Please.

    Scout and scout hard
  8. wildwoody


    Oh ya
  9. wildwoody

    Step Daughter selling paracord items

    Very cool
  10. wildwoody


    Oh no you didn't !!!!
  11. wildwoody

    Outdoorsmans Pistol Grip Head and accessories

    Great deals I should have pulled the trigger
  12. wildwoody

    NM Rifle Bull Video

    Very cool
  13. wildwoody

    my son and grandaughters 2015 bucks

  14. wildwoody

    Toll road Colorado

    Yes sir
  15. wildwoody

    First time AZ mule Deer hunting

    Pray for the migration ..
  16. wildwoody

    Boat for sale "price drop"

    That sucks I would have bought it a month ago for that price for the package. I can go 2k at this time
  17. wildwoody

    6a input?

    Nice weather I take it.
  18. wildwoody

    Outdoorsmans Pistol Grip Head and accessories

    Is that $85 shipped to Payson?
  19. wildwoody


  20. wildwoody

    12A Doe

    1 degree sometimes in October hunt, cold!!
  21. wildwoody

    Outdoorsmans Pistol Grip Head and accessories

    Is that the pan head that goes under the pistol grip to make conversion??
  22. wildwoody

    6a input?

    Meadow canyon..
  23. wildwoody

    First time AZ mule Deer hunting

    12bw early, that's wrong. If your in the valley try 21 lots of mules
  24. wildwoody

    Wood box Half buried

  25. wildwoody

    Toll road Colorado

    Bottom feeders..