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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    4b is on fire. Again

    Can't believe everything you read on the internet ..
  2. wildwoody

    Youth hunts vs regular hunts

    Cheaper, any antlered deer, and 1st chance in the woods, before the massacre
  3. wildwoody


    You a Sponsor here? Great deals
  4. wildwoody

    4b is on fire. Again

    Dead on brother.. smokes getting thicker
  5. Why you selling if you just bought it??
  6. wildwoody

    any 2017 success yet?

  7. wildwoody

    Good Guy Seller List

    Sjvcon , bought mastro gift card from him, smooth sale
  8. wildwoody

    Collection agency

  9. I see them all the time on the tonto to by Roosevelt
  10. wildwoody

    Dead head

  11. wildwoody

    Seward Alaska Fishing Trip

    Shipping it sounds better.
  12. wildwoody

    Bowfishing 2017

    and what do you do with them after killing them.? eat them right
  13. wildwoody

    Application question

    Yes sir.
  14. wildwoody


    Would love to go but a little steep.
  15. wildwoody

    Argos BTR FS

    How's my boat?
  16. wildwoody


    Cold cash
  17. wildwoody


    $500.00 ??
  18. wildwoody

    Electric code

    A rag, Walmart bag
  19. wildwoody

    Camo for sale

    Is that a onezy?
  20. wildwoody

    !!ATA SUMMER CONVENTION!! Mormon Lake!

    Will do, very cool
  21. wildwoody

    Electric code

    20amp circuit
  22. wildwoody

    Crispi Wyoming 11.5

    Do they stink??
  23. wildwoody

    Electric code

    I'd go 12/2 mc cable, with metal boxes and hospital grade devices, wire all locations fail safe, and run my home runs under the slab in PVC (3/4") back to panel that way I can add a circuit or split a circuit now that were in the age of the circuit killing space heaters. The mc cable is for the rodents. just me if I had the money. 18" landscape and 24" in driving ares
  24. wildwoody

    Big Montana Rattlesnake

    Ya where is his shadow, that's a biggen , the eastern are pert dang big all so..
  25. wildwoody

    Nice "pick up" from Sonora Mexico

    Throw me a pm also if you would please