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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Toyota Tacoma

    That does it I'm selling mine. Lol
  2. wildwoody

    Coues shoulder mount

  3. wildwoody

    Toyota Tacoma

    Not sure why everyone is saying 4 door doesn't' have room, we had 4 full size adults in ours on a weekend to San Diego plenty of leg room in back seat for 2 men I also bought the bed extender and leveling kit, only problem I've ever had is if you look at it , it scratches but I think all new vehicles scratch and dent easy. Like I said give me a pm and we can meet for a test drive and look thru. Tons of power in the six cylinder, a tundra doesn't have same resale value. Picked mine up for $32000.00 . Left Payson at 8am and was home by 1pm, hatch Toyota was great, no haggling
  4. wildwoody

    Toyota Tacoma

    Go to showlow to hatch Toyota, great experience and not 1000 degrees
  5. wildwoody

    Toyota Tacoma

    Got a 2015 four door I would heck yes to all your question. Got trade in price one year after I bought mine and trade in price was only a thousand less then what I paid. Your in Payson call me if you want a test drive.
  6. wildwoody

    YOU Hunter Ed camp 8/5-8/6

    My son did the calf camp about 6 yrs ago, it was awesome
  7. wildwoody

    Fire hitting Woods Canyon Lake area???

    Exactly what he said .. big browns its pretty spread out and seems to be moving somewhat up and down the rim, lots of smoke this afternoon, elk have moved down some, no containment but they sound confident they will keep from crossing the 300 road by Dane canyon, but it has spot already, will see they've been confident before, seems to be human cause, there wasn't a cloud on Saturday. Hopefully this helped alittle
  8. wildwoody

    Mossberg 500

    Great deal
  9. wildwoody

    South Africa 2017

    Would love to do it with my 460 s&w hunter, thanks for sharing and thanks for smiling so the crazy's don't go postal on you..
  10. wildwoody

    Fire hitting Woods Canyon Lake area???

    Knoll lake road, barbershop, Fred haught ridge areas on the 300 are closed, woods canyon area is open. They are talking about doing a full forest closer with the high heat coming. The highline fire is very unpredictable
  11. wildwoody

    Anyone ever up and quit a good job?

    All depends on what field your in, say construction is an industry looking for so many people that you can definitely better your pay and possible vacation time, not sure on other benefits, not sure of other fields. I was always told if you don't enjoy getting up for work then you need to make a change. You just need to find a job where there not trying get rich because of you, and find one that's wants to get rich with you. Just my 2 cents
  12. wildwoody

    Az B&C Rams

  13. wildwoody

    First archery harvest!

    Got one with same cinnamon coloring a couple years back, congrats, mine made a beautiful rug
  14. wildwoody

    On my way to work this morning

    Looks like the local landscaper ..
  15. wildwoody

    I'M in.

    Good one.
  16. wildwoody

    BEEF Calves

    I'd go for one or half but no place to put it.
  17. wildwoody

    4b is on fire. Again

    We love our manzi
  18. wildwoody

    Draw Question

    Just go for it.
  19. wildwoody

    4b is on fire. Again

    Now Bonita creek is on fire, didn't see any lightning clouds
  20. wildwoody


    Is that $2800 a piece correct
  21. wildwoody

    You can't buy this desire-

    Very cool
  22. wildwoody

    3a/3c on fire?

    Very well played!!
  23. wildwoody

    Hunting with your other half

    My wife is my hunting partner except when its cold , she's got a 30" mule a bison, pig and much more, never gets buck fever and is the best glasser I no, she loves her Zeiss and here 270cdl. Steady as heck , deadly to 500yrds and she love's ,me sorry for bragging, NOT!!
  24. wildwoody

    Youth hunts vs regular hunts

    Dang that kids already got more kills then most of us
  25. wildwoody


    If I new anything about hunting new Mexico, I'd take it right now