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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    2017 Buffalo House Rock Ranch

    Let me add that there are some really cool guides that just like to help people, didn't mean to put all guides in the same boat.
  2. wildwoody

    2017 Buffalo House Rock Ranch

    Guides own the world. I met mike at the raymond ranch, from the way he was talking he is in cahoots with the guides, I'm sick of herein these stories of bullies outfitters, I didn't no the guides own the national forest. All about the Benjamin's
  3. wildwoody


  4. wildwoody

    Alaska Sockeye

  5. wildwoody


  6. wildwoody

    What is making these drag marks?

    A two peckered sloth
  7. wildwoody

    ShedHunt on WMAT

    I take it you on res.
  8. wildwoody

    Where am I

    heck's gate.you no what I mean, where the devil lives
  9. wildwoody

    I'm looking for a plumber

    There you go, great guy. And easy on the laying pipe comments us electrician will get jealous ..
  10. wildwoody

    A few to share

    Love the wolves, they are wolves right, thanks for shareing
  11. wildwoody

    What's he score?

  12. wildwoody

    Wyoming 2017 is Official

    Do you work??
  13. wildwoody


    There you go, saved tones of cash I'm shore
  14. wildwoody

    Swarovski 15x56 Slc HD $1840

    That's old right??
  15. wildwoody

    Fine BobCat

    Shoot him in the face
  16. wildwoody

    Swarovski 15x56 Slc HD $1840

    So how old are you??
  17. wildwoody

    saturday in the park.....

    Love that big nasty
  18. wildwoody

    Public Range Frustration

    Idiots are idiots, what kind of inconsiderate bone head would shoot someone target, prime example why stupid people shouldn't breed then we could clean up the gene pool. Oh ya Jim Jones is closed. Don't bring them up here. Lol
  19. +1. He better not go out of business now he go his gun. He is very good. Can't to send him something, love the turkey skulls
  20. wildwoody

    Mountain Lion

    I see that one, very nice
  21. wildwoody

    Nice Coues Deer

    Whatttt, where's the deer?
  22. wildwoody

    Swarovski 15x56 slc neu

    Very funny, great price , bump
  23. wildwoody


    Blond bear , just a color phase
  24. wildwoody

    What could this be?

    Probably hohokam , clean it up gently and put it behind glass.