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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody


    NO!! My mother always said if its not yours don't touch it.
  2. wildwoody


    National forest , no one owns it, don't think I would set up on someone's salt, but doesn't mean you can't, tree stands left in the forest I cut them done , don't want a kid to find it and get hurt. Leaving a note is fine but property destruction is just BS. Anyone who does it is a looser. First come first serve..... I would leave him a note and see if he has the balls to get back to you, but most thieves are looser and don't have any balls, If anyone reading this has done anything like this is a F'ing LOOSER......... and if you have a problem with that let me no, I bet there are alot of lawabiding hunters here that would love to talk to you also. More then my opinion..
  3. wildwoody

    Card Hits

    Time to go once in a life time for goat, I no I would be out from my two tags in 1998 1999. But it would at least give the youngsters a better chance
  4. wildwoody

    Card Hits

    29 points , I only have 19, the heck with these $13 donations
  5. wildwoody

    Card Hits

    Yes, I cannot take it any longer so I called d schools , they said I have a $90.00 pending. Good for me and my friend and bad for my wife, no bab tag again with 8 points. Oh well I guess ill be taking her on a cruise to Alaska . I'm good with that.
  6. wildwoody

    Show Me Some 12A East Bucks

    12aw 1/2 mile from 12ae
  7. wildwoody

    Looking for New Tires

    My guy has me pick them up from the loading dock, pay cash last set was $ 650.00 for 4 Toyo AT 285 for my Tacoma, $1000.00 for 5 cooper MT 295 for thru jeep. Ties ain't cheap
  8. wildwoody

    Unit 42 Elk Pics!!!!!!!!!!!

    Alright what are them rocks made of?
  9. wildwoody

    done growing?

    Still growing a few more weeks, ugly hoo
  10. wildwoody

    card hit

    Unless your wife used it
  11. Zeiss will fix them for a fee, not like sawaro's, dumb I want these but just bought the sawaro hd's
  12. wildwoody

    Where am I

    At a moose crossing
  13. wildwoody

    card hit

    Chase card just had pending charge for $45 today, that means my son got a 22 tag, hoping desert schools posts tonight.
  14. wildwoody

    Card Hits

    My son got tapped, hopefully desert schools will so up tonight at nine
  15. wildwoody

    Lets see your best

    Love them doubles with family
  16. wildwoody

    2017 House Rock hunt success!

    Nice goal posts
  17. wildwoody

    Card Hits

    And that was 2 days ago. Yes there's still hope
  18. wildwoody

    Card Hits

    Well I checked , purchase I made with desert schools hasn't even showed up and I already got a shipping confirmation, nothing on chase for the kid either.
  19. wildwoody

    Card Hits

    I don't want to check..
  20. wildwoody

    Arizona rams

    Sweet, I hope
  21. wildwoody

    Big day tomorrow

    come on triple 777
  22. wildwoody

    Credit card hits
