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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody


    Mulepackhunter , what I meant some hunters just want to draw blood then chase them, in the rib cage your good, I've never have had an animal go more the 10yrds with the Barnes, I feel a 1/2" hole is better then many fragments, my buffalo's I've shot dropped in there tracks. not saying lead is bad but in the bab copper is the best thing for the condors, and they give them to you so why not use them. just my unfortunately dumb opinion.
  2. wildwoody


    What ever 654321, use your common sense, happy, alot of condors die because of lack of common sense, not spelling. you got me I'm an idiot
  3. wildwoody


    i use the 165gr tssx, 300utra mag. everything dies, you hit them right youll get a big hole
  4. wildwoody

    Cva optima v2 50 cal. 300.00 $

    Come on guys this is an awesome deal, I love my cava optima magnum, this is a crazy good deal.
  5. wildwoody

    21 December Rifle Mule Deer

    joe's mountain
  6. wildwoody

    Elk Guide Unit 23 Archery

    That would be the ground ponders, they lion hunt it like crazy, go to there web page, Goodman not.
  7. wildwoody

    12B West (early)

    What flatlanders said, MAN UP !!!
  8. wildwoody


    Love Barnes copper bullets, all I shoot out of my guns, if you hit anything in the right spot it will go down, and about there not being a law for using copper bullets or taking the gut pile, I call it the law of common sence, get some you might like it.
  9. wildwoody

    .243 WSSM SOLD!!!!

    I'll by the rounds, please
  10. wildwoody

    13B Questions

    Quit teasing us all and go up there and shoot a big buck. if you didn't have a clue then why put in, oh wait I got drawn for the bab and didn't no crap, and came home with a 223" 7x8. you can do it!!!
  11. wildwoody

    Super raffle

    Oh poo ,,next year instead of wasting money on these super raffles and foundation gimmicks, I'm gone save that money and go to Mexico with Ernesto next year
  12. wildwoody

    Scouting 3a3c

    +1 good unit
  13. wildwoody

    Super raffle

    Non res, we can't even get drawn
  14. wildwoody

    Super raffle

    Ya me to
  15. wildwoody

    12B West (early)

    My brother in law drew the 12b west late tag with 4 bonus points
  16. My son is looking for a diesel mechanics job in tempe or mesa if possible, he has gone to school and is now going to get his cdl. has about 1 1/2 experience, hard worker has his on snap on tools and dependable transportation. he just needs a brake. thanks for any help
  17. Sounds like a puppy broker, when your ready to find az diamonds and clams let me no and I promise I won't charge you and you will be successful
  18. wildwoody

    Dead head found this weekend scouting for Elk hunt

    Mine was and had one in my back yr last yr in star valley
  19. wildwoody

    anyone highering diesel mechanics in tempe or mesa?

    Thanks for all the info. the cdl is the ticket, to bad 21 yr olds aren't born with one
  20. wildwoody

    Anyone near Forest Lakes?

    Muddy mess, but you can't start the forests on fire any more. thank god
  21. wildwoody

    stolen Cameras

    There he is
  22. wildwoody

    August Plan A - Pic Heavy

    Ah heck that's not such a good spot, I didn't see any turkey. lol
  23. wildwoody

    anyone highering diesel mechanics in tempe or mesa?

    That was his first job then they down sized there hydrolic shop.
  24. wildwoody


    Dec 2017 , saw bigger