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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Unit 10 Horn Growth

    At least he got his cotton candy ...
  2. wildwoody

    help with Google Earth scouting december mule deer

    Well if you make it as far as 22 get in touch with me I have a stand that I'm not hunting right now because I got a riffle tag, it has numerous 4x4 and lots of others coming in on a regular bases, probably about 12 bucks total. I will hook you up for a great chance at a dandy. I'm not a guide just a good ol country boy. don't no anything about 18 or 15. hunt kuwi
  3. wildwoody

    Swarovski ATX 95mm Spotter

    How old?
  4. wildwoody

    What the heck is this?

    Albino coati with a sore butt..
  5. wildwoody

    Who's ready.

    Very nice, just checked cams yesterday, I can't believed I passed on archery this year 8 stud mullies coming in daily, maybe ill set there during my rifle hunt.
  6. wildwoody

    Interesting Big Game Ranch?

    Big horn canyon ranch is 2000 acres, Shack shot 23 animals in a day, fun hunts to start kids off or practice for archery
  7. I do hope you find him.
  8. Wow that was like 20mins after post, nice
  9. Horns in velvet, and hot days, what's really left to salvage , sorry just saying
  10. wildwoody

    First archery buck!

    Wow what a buck, score?
  11. The pistol is a 9mm correct, how old, and i'll take the sluice and pans
  12. wildwoody

    Game bags

    Bleach in the washer, done... black orvis campfire, bought them for all my hunting buddies
  13. wildwoody

    The drought is over

    Well done
  14. Allergic to Lead poisoning is a possibility..
  15. wildwoody

    Anybody Have a Youth Elk Tag to Donate?

    Has big browns boy decided to go?
  16. wildwoody

    I'm Ready for Quail Season to Start

    My favorite, its been 10yrs since I've gone, dam big game hunting is none stop. time to go back to my roots. looks tasty
  17. wildwoody

    Trying to help a couple of newbies.

    Both good hunts but far apart. good luck
  18. wildwoody

    Where to buy kids hunting clothes

    Sportsman warehouse always gots some good stuff