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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Big Tom Bobcat

    Nice take him to the pizza party
  2. wildwoody

    Best skinning knife

    I've also gone to hunter orange handles because I'm sick of losing them on the kill.
  3. wildwoody

    Grimaldis Pizza hosting antihunting fundraiser

    Rays for me. f them
  4. wildwoody

    Lost GSP puppy unit 9 off fr302

    Hope you find him
  5. wildwoody

    Best skinning knife

    Knives of Alaska, love them
  6. wildwoody

    Snow Goose Triple

    Something always wanted to do. awesome
  7. wildwoody

    My brother's first buck

    Let me guess 6a,, great job
  8. wildwoody

    First Deer

    Dandy buck.
  9. wildwoody

    My 2017 buck

    Now that's a smile, great buck
  10. wildwoody

    Hitting cards already

    Ducks on the pond turkeys in the roust, all legal. don't tread on me
  11. wildwoody

    ISO: Mature mule deer cape

  12. Never had a problem, got both barrels, 45/& 50cal
  13. wildwoody

    Hitting cards already

    Need to check
  14. wildwoody

    Brothers 175 inch buck

    I like it.
  15. Ive got a cva magnum you can borrow
  16. wildwoody

    Tagged Out

    Nice one. congratulations
  17. wildwoody

    Lady's First

    Awesome buck, congratulations on the engagement
  18. wildwoody

    Tent stove SPF

    Where you located I got a guy who will take it
  19. wildwoody

    Strip buck

    Sweet buck.
  20. wildwoody

    Buck down. Story. Plus something weird

    Nice buck. soak it in milk..
  21. wildwoody


  22. wildwoody

    Opening day deer

    Shoot straight
  23. wildwoody

    35a Coues

    Pop, pop