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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Is it a tough archery pig season?

    Anyone tried a javelin call yet, just order one
  2. wildwoody

    Vacuum sealers

    Food saver commercial
  3. wildwoody

    2017 results, Not too bad!

    There are 3 bad azz bucks
  4. wildwoody

    Glock 23 gen 3 for sale

  5. wildwoody

    Woman shot at popular shooting area in Buckeye

    Pay the $50 year membership at the Jim Jones range in Payson, a little drive but much safer up here. us rednecks are friendly
  6. wildwoody

    Swaro 15x56 question

    Well said
  7. wildwoody

    Do those blood finding lights work?

    Mulies suck, never die. double lung don't mean squat.
  8. wildwoody

    Mule Deer Rut

    Nutting and rotting, time to go sit my stand
  9. wildwoody

    Close call-almost lost gear

    Nice pack.
  10. wildwoody

    Glock 23 gen 3 for sale

    I'm pistol dumb, is it a 9mm, 40cal, or 45cal or something else
  11. wildwoody

    Female with horns Sonora México 2018

    What now we have transsexual deer. what's next
  12. wildwoody

    Regs are out

    Do theses percentages cover 1st % 2nd choice or only for the 1st
  13. wildwoody

    To slime or not

    Good question my friend, I'm gonna watch this one
  14. wildwoody

    Do those blood finding lights work?

    Throw shall not judge , unless throw wants to be judged.
  15. wildwoody

    Regs are out

    Last question, 2a goat with 20pts, we owe you a keger
  16. wildwoody

    Regs are out

    Sweet wife has 10pts
  17. wildwoody

    Do those blood finding lights work?

    Did you find him
  18. wildwoody

    Woman shot at popular shooting area in Buckeye

    Can't fix stupid
  19. wildwoody

    Regs are out

    Pass for 22s muzzle loader thx
  20. wildwoody

    Woman shot at popular shooting area in Buckeye

    Ya'll are dangerous,Bullets flying everywhere, sounds like a 22 elk hunt..
  21. A friends son killed his cow in 22 this year with one on his gun
  22. wildwoody

    Scoring Question

    I agree, but I was told it is impossible to be 100% accurate all the time, I was also told it is not the method used in Africa, and thought it was
  23. wildwoody

    Do those blood finding lights work?

    That's funny
  24. wildwoody

    Regs are out

    There wouldn't be a laps if I buy it today and date it for 2/5/2019 the computer should take care of the rest . right. anyway thanks for all your help. oh ya what's the pass for 22s muzzle