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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Free clean fill

    It floats
  2. wildwoody

    You better believe it goes by fast

    Yes I went thru 4 youth hunter 2 girls and 2 boys , youngest is 22yrs old now, but now I steal my friends kids, can't let go.. by the way do you guys only shoot monster pigs or what. nice pics
  3. wildwoody

    Elk Options

    Bigbrowns did your son finally do his elk hunt last year, I remember things were getting a little crazy
  4. wildwoody

    Nice Couse Sheds

    Hope you get him
  5. Great news good luck on the hunt
  6. wildwoody

    Nice Couse Sheds

    Tell me where he's at and i'll put in and shoot him then give you an accurate score, seriously
  7. At least you hunted before complaining, now pick your chin up and go get one. lol
  8. wildwoody

    Back to Submersible Pumps..

    Good luck, only thing I have to add is don't buy a pump from home depot, believe me you'll wish you didn't, quality sucks, don't go cheap on your pump. just saying
  9. wildwoody

    Who is taking the kids out to chase pigs this weekend?

    We weren't confused..
  10. wildwoody

    Now What . . .

    Lots of gravy..
  11. wildwoody

    Who is taking the kids out to chase pigs this weekend?

    Taking a buddies son Friday in 22, hope we can find them
  12. wildwoody

    Now What . . .

  13. wildwoody

    Now What . . .

    It's a dang stink pig, call it a kill and move on not worth getting gored over, he's dead now and real stinky, a gut shoot pig, yuk
  14. wildwoody

    The cream is slowly rising...

  15. wildwoody

    SOLD: Swarovski STS 20x60x80 spotting scope HD

    Buy it and let me borrow it
  16. wildwoody

    Hunting in chihuahua

    Sounds just a bunch of smarties ..
  17. wildwoody

    Morning hunt 20C

    Well done
  18. wildwoody

    Out of state hunts

  19. wildwoody

    Credit card update

    WHAT!!! Poacher
  20. wildwoody

    Handgunners-What gun, What bullet?

    S&W 460 hunter with 225 gr nosler
  21. wildwoody

    Couple of late season bulls.

    Motley crew, awesome congrats
  22. wildwoody

    An Open Dialog on G & F Laws

    There's a good name Coues poacher, not trying to draw attention are you. lol
  23. Well go stick his azz, it's personal now
  24. wildwoody

    14' Fishing Boat

    Sounds like you were wasting the OPs time then anyway. No I wasn't , you ball busting again.