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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. Smack down, folding them like lawn chairs.
  2. wildwoody

    The perfect end to the day..

    Now that's what I'm talking about.. His mother taught him right
  3. wildwoody

    3b south

    I was talking about huntz, he's asking tons of questions, don't need any help, thx
  4. wildwoody

    3b south

    Yup I like 43. Any guesses on what his next question will be. I really think he's writing a book.
  5. wildwoody

    3b south

  6. wildwoody

    Anderson am15

    Original owner?
  7. wildwoody

    Hopi Hunts

    If there is a hunt number your good
  8. wildwoody

    Hopi Hunts

    Used to be great hunts, love the east sunset and west sunset MNT, any elk in October, but no its only cow and the native Americans get the bulls, if they even put in
  9. wildwoody

    Javelina highway

    Mass migration, they must of heard about Trump..
  10. wildwoody


    Lots of good Questions, just wondering, no harm.
  11. wildwoody

    Elk transplant to west virginia

    How are the kangaroo's doing in Wyoming?
  12. wildwoody


    You writing a book ?
  13. wildwoody

    Who is taking the kids out to chase pigs this weekend?

    My hunter is down with the flew now, atleast he got a shot yesterday
  14. wildwoody

    Simply awesome Javelina Youth hunt

    Awesome story.
  15. wildwoody

    Cabelas Heavy Duty Meat Grinder - New/Never Used

    See you Tuesday, thx
  16. wildwoody

    Dad's Lion

    Night, night
  17. wildwoody

    Elk transplant to west virginia

    Had a friend how helped out, he said it was a great experience
  18. wildwoody

    Now What . . .

  19. wildwoody

    Who is taking the kids out to chase pigs this weekend?

    Had a close miss today hopefully will close the deal tomorrow.
  20. wildwoody

    CWT Feuds

    Watch it I'm part of the me too movement..
  21. wildwoody

    Who is taking the kids out to chase pigs this weekend?

    Well done, 22 in the morning with a friend's son
  22. wildwoody

    CWT Feuds

    Well at least your cameras are safe now. Did he steal from you?
  23. wildwoody

    Thinking of moving

    Payson is great..
  24. wildwoody

    Area in 24b could be closing

    They gonna strip mine it?