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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    tough morning off samar

    Honor and prayers
  2. wildwoody

    Wyoming draw odds

    What?? $30 right
  3. wildwoody

    Draw Deadline Has Passed

    22s muzzy, 22n late
  4. wildwoody

    az elk transplant

    We have extra
  5. wildwoody

    'Stink Pigs'

    Not a pig not a rodent, stink pig
  6. wildwoody

    Yeti Cooler Hopper 18 225$

    Dam good price , love mine before the wife stole it
  7. wildwoody

    Ice Coolers

    Yup sure does, glad it bothers you..
  8. wildwoody

    Ice Coolers

    Have a canyon and a rtic I see no difference, both are great
  9. wildwoody

    **YETI 105**

    Why you steal my friends friends name?
  10. wildwoody

    Where to camp and fish

    In the woods by a lake maybe..
  11. wildwoody

    az elk transplant

    I'll take that bet , there a bunch of blow hard puzzy's
  12. wildwoody

    az elk transplant

    Don't no about W.V but they need to be released in D.C
  13. You have a good heart sir, we need to start giving awards for good deeds, and maybe we can start having nice things again..
  14. wildwoody

    az elk transplant

    Semi trucks, or maybe first class, a buddy was up there for round up few weeks back
  15. wildwoody

    Go Cowboys !!!!

  16. wildwoody

    Show me your success! Im unable to chase right now. :(

    That looks like 22. Gets some pork..
  17. wildwoody

    Go Cowboys !!!!

    Your funny..
  18. wildwoody

    Early archery 27

    23 would be ground pounders hands down, don't no 27
  19. wildwoody

    Anyone HAM hunting?

    That's not nice..
  20. wildwoody

    Anyone HAM hunting?

    22, 460 s&w , got it down today in 22 youth hunt.
  21. wildwoody

    Whats up with this pigs feet????

    Not good..
  22. wildwoody


    Sea food good.
  23. wildwoody

    Apps are in

    All in.