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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Elk 22S Muzzleloader

    Go see jack . Com
  2. wildwoody

    AZGFD hit my cc

    Everybody got the dam emails. Hit my baby
  3. wildwoody

    1 Day!!!

  4. wildwoody

    Day One Results

    Desert schools will be tomorrow
  5. wildwoody

    Day One Results

    Bla, bla , bla, 3 goat tags , you are one lucky goat hunter..
  6. wildwoody

    Day One Results

    Desert schools and as federal posts are a day off
  7. wildwoody

    Everybody is Successful

  8. wildwoody

    1 Day!!!

    You think we would learn.. I yi yi
  9. wildwoody

    1 Day!!!

    Big bulls down there
  10. wildwoody

    Everybody is Successful

    That's grandpa's definition, I like brown on the ground, that's successful.. Tag numbers in 22 will go up again
  11. wildwoody

    My first Coues with a bow

    Beautiful buck..
  12. It's real time satellite images. Google earth is not real time, and how in the heck would they no you used it..
  13. wildwoody

    Arizona elk hunts, and win a rifle

    Man you just gave out to much info right there..
  14. wildwoody

    Pig tags

    Kill them all
  15. wildwoody

    Short Fake Hunt

    What did you shoot him with, what a blow out, cool fake hunt
  16. wildwoody


  17. wildwoody

    Short Hunt

    What you shoot him out at a mile? Wow
  18. wildwoody

    Aunt Nancy Mowing the Lawn

    What a dumb B.
  19. wildwoody

    Fried elk steaks

  20. wildwoody

    Elk brings down helicopter in Utah

    Did it shred the elk?
  21. wildwoody

    Thieves suck...guess I got lucky

    Kill them all..
  22. wildwoody

    'Stink Pigs'

    Ain't happening!
  23. wildwoody

    Draw Deadline Has Passed

    Work can wait, nice part about being in business, no one can fire you if you don't show up
  24. wildwoody

    'Stink Pigs'

    Ring around a pecker, collared peccary
  25. wildwoody

    Unit mix up

    Let me now if you need more help