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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    A hop, skip and a jump.
  2. wildwoody

    What to do ,11 points ,Res.

    23 late whitetail.
  3. wildwoody

    Tonto National Forest Area Closures

    So sad.
  4. wildwoody

    I finally found my Spirt Animal

  5. wildwoody

    Mt Ord Fire

  6. wildwoody

    Cut Resistant Gloves for Field Dressing

    I use Kevlar gloves all the time..
  7. wildwoody

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    Your right living in the mountains doesn't make everyone responsible but there are people that are flat out disrespectful and disgusting, and honestly it seems to be a percapata deal, just my opinion. Burn it down I got insurance.
  8. wildwoody

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

  9. wildwoody

    Wild Horses???

    Kill them, kill them all.
  10. wildwoody

    Stage 3 fire restrictions

    Went to woods this morning caught some dandies, new secret.
  11. wildwoody

    Cabo San Lucas Fishing

    And then, splendid haul.
  12. wildwoody

    looking for a 300 or 270 wsm

    Got a left hand bolt action. 270wsm
  13. wildwoody

    2018, Desert sheep unit

    You no if you already killed a sheep and have max points now, who cares , some of us have 21+ , and still don't have a chance in heck. Just me. Good luck
  14. wildwoody

    Upcoming camera ban...

    No time soon.
  15. wildwoody

    Deer Draw Available Online!

    Probably better the 16
  16. wildwoody

    Bass Tracker

    Sounds like the dickhead has already called himself out. Nice boat great deal.
  17. wildwoody

    Bad Neighbor

    Just remember to be the better man.
  18. wildwoody

    Dick's (sporting goods) shriveling up

    I've never shopped there, darn
  19. wildwoody

    Draw question

    First choice strip second whitetail, he'll never no and might get to hunt. Mistakes happen
  20. wildwoody

    Late Youth Hunts

    22 mule deer isn't a youth hunt , but not hard to draw, and I can hook you up with some easy access spots.
  21. I installed ceiling fans for her mother and father at the Hopi House in Payson when I was 14yrs old, and the next day they had me back and I met Stevie and Mick Fleetwood, great memories.
  22. wildwoody

    Couldn't pass - taxi pic added

    Well done.
  23. What tickets you pushing next, I just bought Fleetwood mac tickets for much more then that