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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Man don't come to Payson.
  2. wildwoody

    WTT Outdoorsman Medium Compact

    There is a cost difference
  3. Still where's the facts, inform me please, is there a site with this information?
  4. Azkiller and you no this how??
  5. wildwoody

    Safe Lighting, What Do You Use?

    High bay?
  6. Tic toc did wife get late or early 12aw
  7. wildwoody

    Any cc hits today?

    Just checked got hit for the third for $90 but just showed up today. Desert financial
  8. wildwoody

    Docter Big Eyes 30x80

    You don't need bigger bino's you already shoot monsters, give the game a chance. Lol
  9. wildwoody

    Any cc hits today?

    Gotta love banks, I'm surprised B of A would even pay a azgfd charge, liberal communist's
  10. wildwoody

    Docter Big Eyes 30x80

    Why not?
  11. wildwoody

    Favorite Trail Cams

    The one that doesn't get stolen
  12. wildwoody

    THe draw

    Bob your like a kid at Christmas, congrats
  13. wildwoody

    Docter Big Eyes 30x80

    Holly shxt, why now couldn't you wait a month?
  14. wildwoody

    Ear Muffs

    I like walkers
  15. wildwoody

    So Where's the Official Countdown to CC Hits

    Definitely a couple bab tags , hoping 1 late 12aw and 1 12aw archery.
  16. wildwoody


    Got a pending this morning from chase, just saying maybe
  17. Sorry about you not getting the super tags, lol but that's some cool shxt right there
  18. wildwoody

    Good Guy Seller List

    Also dpr64 , smooth sale, love the creedmore
  19. wildwoody

    Good Guy Seller List

    I would like to nominate regisranger, great sale
  20. wildwoody

    2018 deer draw

    Oh no !!
  21. wildwoody

    1/2 a beef

  22. wildwoody

    Portal Update?

    Deep breath..
  23. wildwoody

    Hitting Cards

    Just in, looks like wife got the Bab, and I got Bab archery or 22 whitetail, hopefully wife got the late tag but early works to.
  24. wildwoody

    Hitting Cards

    Got a pending at az federal, hopefully wife in the Bab.
  25. wildwoody

    late Kaibab youth hunt

    Head to the transition zone, little mt area. You will see deer even with your eyes closed.