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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody


  2. wildwoody


    That's funny..
  3. wildwoody

    Watch Guys Step Inside

    Rich people, lol
  4. wildwoody

    Kaibab Archery

    That's hunting.
  5. wildwoody

    Electrician Needed - North Peoria

    Payson is full of them terds.
  6. wildwoody

    Cabelas Big Eyes 20x70 Binoculars

    They come with the case and stem?
  7. wildwoody

    Storms a comin

    Starvalley getten some..
  8. wildwoody

    Electrician Needed - North Peoria

    That's a $225.00 dollar deal unless it was zensco
  9. wildwoody

    Electrician Needed - North Peoria

    Just changed out a pedestal that had a meter clip go bad, did you ever check with APS to check the meter, could be lots of things, your electrician will getter fixed.
  10. wildwoody

    No Longer Available

    Still on hold?
  11. wildwoody

    Kaibab Archery

    Booked 5 nights for wife's hunt, got the hotel this time, the cabins can be a little rough. The café ain't bad if you can get a seat, so getter to go.
  12. wildwoody

    Some house furniture

    Dang, you gonna live in a travel trailer with no wheels like everyone else in the basin. Lol. Nice stuff
  13. wildwoody

    Recommendation for Bison Hide Tanner Needed

    My father sent my cow back to an Amish I think in Ohio I think was $465.00soft as leather
  14. wildwoody

    Storms a comin

    Star valley is about to get buttie holed..
  15. wildwoody

    Capitalism He Says

    Oh my god, that's a great idea. I hate laced weed.
  16. wildwoody

    Kaibab Archery

    So you got my tag, if you don't want it I'll take it back
  17. wildwoody

    4A Early Archery Help

    Chevlon buttes , around the base and half way up
  18. wildwoody

    2018: What’s ur bull goal this year?

    Anything since I don't have a tag
  19. wildwoody

    Is it just me?

    Stink pig all year, I'm in
  20. wildwoody

    Results out on portal, post up your hunts

    Not good.. And good..
  21. wildwoody

    Turned in AZ BULL Tag

    It would be a great honor, he would be proud of his son..god bless
  22. wildwoody

    Results out on portal, post up your hunts

    You can do it..
  23. wildwoody

    Browning X bolt white gold medallion 25-06

    Just bought a 6.5 hells canyon, bump
  24. wildwoody

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    I guess not..