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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Update to Game and Fish screw up

    Time to move on, didn't follow direction.
  2. wildwoody

    Find It

    Stop it..
  3. wildwoody

    Update to Game and Fish screw up

    Good luck, there never wrong
  4. wildwoody

    Anyone still not get their tags yet?

    It's not a tag its a commercial..
  5. wildwoody

    Find It

  6. wildwoody

    Find It

    By the bush near the rock facing up looks like a 6pt, next
  7. wildwoody

    twin HD 65mm swarovski big eyes for sale SOLD

    You with A3? Bump
  8. wildwoody

    Kaibab growth?

    You the man, sounds great. And not a word about the spoiled confused hunter who isn't even on this sight..
  9. wildwoody

    Therm-A-Rest glassing seat $40

    Where's the legs?
  10. wildwoody

    Kaibab growth?

  11. wildwoody

    AZGFD wants your ideas

    Raise tag and license fees 20 bucks, there they go, good idea on showing up..
  12. wildwoody

    Anyone still not get their tags yet?

    The bab tags have to have bullet vouchers stuffed in..
  13. wildwoody

    Kaibab growth?

    Back to the horn growth, who cares if the deer are to small for him, donate it to a hero.. Back to growth any pics.
  14. wildwoody

    AZGFD wants your ideas

    Here's an idea, No idiots in the woods, and I don't mean IQ wise
  15. wildwoody

    Anyone still not get their tags yet?

    Got the 2. 22wt tags waiting on wifes 12aw tag
  16. wildwoody

    Game and Fish screw up

    Post office sucks, they lost a $5000 check
  17. wildwoody

    Monsoon report

    The valley better get ready , the high country is sending you a gully washer, large hail, 70 mile he winds, yup all the good stuff. I give it an HR or so. Hold on, it's wide and nasty. Be safe
  18. wildwoody

    offshore gets going under a full moon

  19. wildwoody

    Trail Camera Opinion/Review?

    That's great, camera is fine I've used $15 cameras before good pictures and doesn't hurt when taken, just don't use normal flash cams to close to roads , dead giveaway of a spot
  20. wildwoody

    Toyota Tacoma vs Nissan Frontier

    I agree about insulting other owners, love my 2015 Tacoma, my son has a 2002 at 225000 miles no problems, great resale value. I think it's all brand preference. I have never owned a nisson so I can't give a comparison.
  21. wildwoody

    Trail Camera Opinion/Review?

    Don't expect to see to much and its no help figuring out a pattern, but very fun hoping the SD card has something on it besides someones butt.
  22. wildwoody

    offshore gets going under a full moon

    Nice advertisement
  23. wildwoody

    Low life Camera thiefs

    What a fricken dirt bag, that's a dick thing to say
  24. wildwoody

    Kaibab growth?

    Really bad growth this year, hope you got point guard, I have no clue, hopefully great
  25. wildwoody

    Nightforce 8-32X56 C509 for sale

    So did I, we were just a wee late, that's the fun of the classifieds, you wait for the price to drop just a little, then someone else snatches it up. Great seller, very fair