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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    2A - trophy unit?

    Up by woodruff, lots of 15-16" goats, average 78"
  2. wildwoody

    White Mtns. Fishing?

    When do the cut throats start hitting normally?
  3. wildwoody

    dirt work preparation for yard rock?

    So why, I get the regret it part, is it because of future landscaping.
  4. wildwoody

    Found my 18a shoter!!!

    Maybe he'll get hit buy a car like that giant mulie last yr in Colorado before they shoot him. Crazy goat
  5. wildwoody

    Kaibab growth?

    There very earthly, don't shower very often
  6. What's the comparison to the huskemaw, how long is sale?
  7. wildwoody

    What the heck..

    It's a dancing monster, that doesn't make sense, I'd say reflection
  8. wildwoody

    dirt work preparation for yard rock?

    Ok , but why I here alot of no fricken plastic but not one reason besides if the sun hits it then it deterates, white people want it, ok I'm white sorry not my choice, but I did my yard 10 yrs ago and no weeds or problems. So what's the problem, no plastic but people are suggesting to illegally use diesel fuel, that's just stupid so what color of people do that. Please enlighten me, sounds like a lot of dirt experts out there
  9. wildwoody

    Monsoon report

    Oh man phoenix your about ready to get your butty kicked again but from the other side. Be safe
  10. wildwoody

    Turquoise jewelry or mineral

    Some blue or smokie topaz is beautiful, can probably find it on line and have it shipped to her. Out of Colorado
  11. wildwoody

    Anyone still not get their tags yet?

    My wife finally got her bab tag today.
  12. wildwoody

    dirt work preparation for yard rock?

    Oh the environmentalist are gonna be up your beep for that one, but it also works great on aunt hills.
  13. wildwoody

    Coyote problem

    Shoot em the face, I'd use a 22cal pellet gun
  14. wildwoody

    dirt work preparation for yard rock?

    I was kidding about raising the side walk, and why not use plastic, you want to weed you rocks every year or just us the harmful weed killers. Just curious, now let me have it.
  15. wildwoody

    Find It

    So is there a deer? Definitely a white 6 point with week 3rds
  16. wildwoody

    dirt work preparation for yard rock?

    That make sense, maybe raise the sidewalk.
  17. wildwoody

    Find It

  18. wildwoody


    Now that was fast, sweet gun
  19. wildwoody

    Antelope Season is Here

    Ya I'm jealous, wish I would read more, was told once everything you need to know is in a book.
  20. wildwoody

    dirt work preparation for yard rock?

    Put 10 mil plastic over it and cover, I've never had a problem
  21. wildwoody

    Find It

    Ya I did, no deer, got catfished..
  22. wildwoody

    SOLD-Ladder Stand

    I'd take it but it would be another$50 in gas
  23. wildwoody

    Kaibab growth?

    Ya there a little homely up there, I bring my own, oh ya she's got the tag
  24. wildwoody

    Antelope Season is Here

    Who needs a dam book, scout and learn then hunt, some people read to much, hand on training for me. Hope you sell your books