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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Firstlite Wick boxer briefs

  2. wildwoody

    Popcorn thread

    That's what I'm thinking..
  3. wildwoody

    early unit 1 bull clothing

    A thong and flip flops, oh ya and a man bun..
  4. wildwoody

    Popcorn thread

    Hum sure is strange how alabouthunting was so concerned about trphyhntr vanishing, now he's vanished, hum who is he really. Dirt
  5. wildwoody

    Unattended Fire

  6. wildwoody

    What is your dream/bucket list hunt?

    Either Kodiak brown bear or musk oxen, neither will ever happen
  7. wildwoody

    Rock Island Model 1911 .45 Nickel --- $450! SOLD!

    Get rid of the wife and keep your guns, lol, does she do 2 for 1 with her shoes, or topps
  8. wildwoody

    LH PoisonArrowGear Pronghorn Decoy

    Saying page error
  9. wildwoody

    Whats the Worst Archery Antelope Hunt?

    You'll do just fine, did you find a muzzleloader yet?
  10. Anyone now what is burning down by Roosevelt, lots of smoke down there, horizon doesn't look good. Any info would be great.
  11. wildwoody


    What happened to the elderly man??
  12. wildwoody

    Kaibab growth?

  13. wildwoody

    Popcorn thread

    He's still here, let's not start fake news..
  14. That's a great guy right there, congrats on a beautiful cabinet..
  15. wildwoody

    Coyote problem

    Kill the head dog and they'll move on until the next pack moves in.
  16. wildwoody

    What's burning down south by Roosevelt,

    Well it's gotten bigger
  17. wildwoody

    Electrician needed

    Woo, that was intence
  18. wildwoody

    Electrician needed

    Yes you can run a dedicated circuit for the fridge in the garage , I wouldn't put it on a gfi, just put a single outlet instead of a duplex so only the freezer plugs in, remember its your house.
  19. wildwoody

    Electrician needed

    Hopefully you don't have red neck electric..
  20. wildwoody

    Kaibab Lion Guides

    Why Kaibab, ground pounders great in 22-23
  21. wildwoody

    Where to retire?

  22. wildwoody

    Electrician needed

    You should a minimum of 2 appliance circuits in your kitchen so you should have at least 2 Gfi location, trip one and see what turns off and what stays on, then plug in the griddle in one circuit and the kurag in the other, screw the home warranty company there just stupid. Run a dedicated outlet in your garage for the freezer.
  23. wildwoody

    Muzzy sabot question

    250 is just fine