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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody


    Maybe its capitalism, but what do I now
  2. wildwoody

    My wife’s 2018 bull bison hunt video

    Awesome video , congrats to the little lady, loved my 2 bull hunts
  3. wildwoody

    Low life Camera thiefs

    There's way to many elk, they need to kill more, and do you think they give out 500cow tags that 500 get killed, I'd say only 200 killed, more damage caused by predators and starvation and dieses
  4. wildwoody

    Trail cams on camofire

    Crap you guys bought all the cheep ones before I got up..
  5. wildwoody

    Kaibab CHAMP hunt?

    Why would he need a cross bow he can us a riffle right, they don't give out champ archery tags do they? I no you can choose to.
  6. wildwoody

    Monsoon report

    Rain is good but high humidity won't help the rut, had 5bs in 2012 they were rutting 3 days in the whole hunt.
  7. No HOA in the country, 100yrds in my back yard
  8. No problem at all target shooting, I used to do it all the time in my back yard when I lived down there.
  9. wildwoody

    Side Hustle

    Meth dealer that's funny, it's been said, construction side jobs, car ports, tuff sheds, decks, anything,, just stay under a thousand so they don't f with you.
  10. Yup game and fish doesn't care they actually want the herd in check in the city limits. Endless fight up here in Payson, different answer from everyone you ask.. Wing it see what happens. Just don't let it die in a pita members yard..
  11. wildwoody

    WTB Zeiss 15x56 Conquest HD binoculars

    Love Zeiss..
  12. wildwoody

    General OTC Bear

    Shooting babies, 100lbs
  13. wildwoody

    Monsoon report

    Bull to early for buck I would think.
  14. wildwoody


    Sounds like my wife, great lady you got there. And what else happened down that 2 tracker?
  15. wildwoody

    White Mtns. Fishing?

  16. wildwoody

    Coues doe doesn't mind us at all

    Why did it still have milk on its lip?
  17. wildwoody

    KAHLES K25i IS IN!

    Take the high road guys, alittle juvenile
  18. wildwoody

    General OTC Bear

    Dam , does anyone the difference between a sow and boar
  19. wildwoody

    Drop Tine Coues

    They still walk the bottoms and draws.
  20. wildwoody

    Good Guy Buyer List

    Omotose is a great seller, easy transaction
  21. wildwoody

    Home A/C help

    Wel a capicitor is about $20 so I'd say alot.
  22. wildwoody


    What, dirt..
  23. Gots to go to the bab to get a couple of those birds, but I have seen them all in az