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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    SPF Zeiss Diascope T*FL 15-45x65 Price Drop $800

    Sweet, love zeiss..
  2. wildwoody


    Sweet, I like them,
  3. wildwoody


    I see these burning all the time coming up to Payson, never found out why
  4. wildwoody

    Brand new Carbon Express crossbow SOLD

    Stink pig I hate stink pigs.
  5. What do you think the hells canyon long range will get with a 140grn ?
  6. wildwoody

    Brand new Carbon Express crossbow SOLD

    I will be in phoenix Tuesday, but what do I use it for in az, I still have all 4 limbs
  7. wildwoody

    Any sheep hits?

    Not to be a downer but I put in for it last, and didn't get drawn, luckily, got some friends that tried to hunt it and they said they walked away do to the fact you have to a professional repeller, very dangerous I hear. Good luck get a biggen
  8. wildwoody


  9. wildwoody

    338 Edge

    Sweet gun right there..
  10. wildwoody


    Oops, I was missed guided, I apologize, you are a good guy seller, no boycott..
  11. wildwoody

    2018 Dove

    Very nice still jealous, been at home traffic so bad in Payson , you can't move
  12. wildwoody


    Yup wont make good guy sellers list, he'll learn, boycott..
  13. That why love America, you can use what you want, never had a problem with a barns destroying a cape, and I guess it helps when your dads a taxidermist. Like your opinion matters to me dave, I also like my 270 weatherby mag, can't wait to try my hells canyon long range 6.5 Creedmoor
  14. wildwoody

    More trail camera thief's...

    How in the heck carries a grinder in the woods? Oh a professional thief. I wish one of you computer genius's would invent a camera with a compositor that would knock someone on there butt when they touch, 480v would be great.. Can't wait to check my blind and ladder stand to see if some piece of shot dirt bag stole them again this year. We will see.
  15. wildwoody

    Brand new Carbon Express crossbow SOLD

    Stop it, I can't buy anymore stuff this year, I'm thinking I want this, dam it
  16. wildwoody


  17. wildwoody

    Another first Antelope

    There you go another good one..
  18. wildwoody

    trail cams...NOT FAIR CHASE

  19. wildwoody


    I'm confused, might be my single digit IQ, but weren't upset about these sits because of your bear spot, now your for them?🤑
  20. wildwoody

    Deer harvest success pictures

    That's a dandy..
  21. wildwoody

    How do you nuke an old salt lick?

    Just piss in it during the hunt, but it's kind of like planting a tree on a rental property, once it goes into the ground its not yours, why not leave a note saying you set up the lick and would like to chat with no attitude, he may have found it and didn't see a camera and thought it was abandoned. Also I think it has become as bad as corn when it's legal, it's everywhere now, just my low IQ 2 cents
  22. wildwoody

    How do you nuke an old salt lick?

    Did you just admit to purring gas on the ground in the forest, you must be young , why would you do that on the internet. Never give out more info then needed
  23. wildwoody

    Cousins opening morning buck

    Nice neck shot
  24. wildwoody

    Hunting with Suppressors

    $200. And a yr wait for permit, I'm good with the big bang