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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Whats up with the PMs?

    I still can't get a hold of addicted?
  2. wildwoody

    End of the Line Hazen you silly loser

    Par for the course, every year same thing..
  3. wildwoody

    Single Shot 10 Gauge - What's it worth

    Love my double barrel , it kills on both ends
  4. wildwoody

    Where to get euro mount

    This kid is a rock star, very impressed
  5. Remember the gun cost is one thing but the scope is the money pit, have both guns can't complain at all
  6. wildwoody

    Whats up with the PMs?

    I am a weiner for sure, but no I haven't gotten anything, I'm the 5096 # on Adams text, call me or text
  7. wildwoody

    Looking for Badlands 2200 Pack

    Where did you go, can't pm you, is he coming thru payson?
  8. wildwoody

    2005 Toyota Tacoma 4X4 ***FINAL REDUCTION***

    My son the mechanic is checking blue and black book now, and cost of repairs needed from original post, maybe..
  9. wildwoody

    Whats up with the PMs?

    Just got text from the man, 10 boxes of shells, ouch I got old shoulders..
  10. wildwoody

    Whats up with the PMs?

    Trying to pm addicted about the 2200 back pack, it won't let me pm him
  11. wildwoody

    Whats up with the PMs?

    Ya will be there, gonna bring my hump back 12 gauge and a 20 gauge semi for my friend, but I got no problem sitting back and watch the kid get after it
  12. wildwoody

    Whats up with the PMs?

  13. wildwoody

    2005 Toyota Tacoma 4X4 ***FINAL REDUCTION***

    Well , I'm checking into it
  14. wildwoody

    2005 Toyota Tacoma 4X4 ***FINAL REDUCTION***

    I've got 2 , a 2002 and a 2015 it would fit write in..
  15. wildwoody

    The First of Many

    Holly crap, smoking buck
  16. wildwoody

    2005 Toyota Tacoma 4X4 ***FINAL REDUCTION***

    Awesome truck, mileage high but that's why Toyota is so great, do I need another?
  17. wildwoody

    Looking for Badlands 2200 Pack

    Hello my friend, I have a brand new one I just got back from badlands, great warranty, not sure what a 2200 goes for, or they also sent me a coupon for 25% off next purchase, don't no if either would help.. For some reason it keeps telling me inbox full and I've deleted bunch of pm . If possibly interestest let me no. I'll be down Saturday to hunt birds with biggy browns.
  18. wildwoody

    For sale. Outdoorsman pistol grip head

    Last price drop, then I'll build another set up.. $150 not shipped
  19. wildwoody

    Camofire trail cams

    Camofire just started some smoking deals on trail cams, $35.00 and up. Who cares if they steal them at theses prices.. In fact they are a steal..
  20. wildwoody

    Camofire trail cams

    Just did it, thankyou sir
  21. wildwoody

    Camofire trail cams

    Great to know, thankyou
  22. wildwoody

    Camofire trail cams

    It's camofire, spell check sucks, never fixes my shxty spelling just the spelling I don't want fixed and you can't edit the topic anymore, this new forum has a mind of its own.. There all gone
  23. wildwoody

    Unit 9 help!!!

    You relies your profile says since Sunday at 12:13pm, don't know much about unit nine , but there are big bulls and a great unit for elk, lots of guides up there most water holes will be covered but you shouldn't have trouble finding bulls.. Good luck to your dad
  24. wildwoody

    Best Velvet mule deer taxidermy work

    Clay Goldman does great work..
  25. wildwoody

    For sale. Outdoorsman pistol grip head

    I'll do $150 but not shipped