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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    How long until cards are hit??

    I figured some grumpy dude would ask that. I checked the Day of, after and 2 other times. Plus the credit card check for a week. Wasn't there Friday because my son check all are portails. Credit card shows last Thursday. Does that help any. I'm going to the fricken BAB.. The last time I hunted there I shoot the buck in my avatar..
  2. wildwoody

    How long until cards are hit??

    So I was checking my bonus points for some reason, I noticed I only had 2 bonus points for deer but I should have 7 now . WTF. Were going to the BAB. Check your chit...
  3. Buddy went last week, caught some beautiful big eyes.
  4. wildwoody

    Lees Ferry update

    Thats you, right on. Lol
  5. wildwoody

    Lees Ferry update

  6. wildwoody

    2004 Tacoma 4x4

    I use pensoil
  7. wildwoody

    17' Tracker Pro v Tournament Bass Boat

  8. wildwoody

    Big Rainbow on a stone fly

    Going end of September, yes middle of the week on way up to Sundance for Antelope and Mule deer hunt. Hopefully the Browns will be spawning.
  9. wildwoody

    Lees Ferry update

    Yes, until a truck, bus load of kids get on the lake. Going Wednesday, we need to hook up some day. No pun intended. I've also noticed none of the boats rented are registered..
  10. wildwoody

    AZGF Overlapping hunts

  11. wildwoody

    Stolen truck (update recovered) 🙂

    Illegals at work. Thank you Brandon..
  12. wildwoody

    AZGF Overlapping hunts

    Hope you got point guard.
  13. wildwoody

    Happy Independence Day

    Well put, everyone have a great day.
  14. wildwoody

    Gregmilly is a scammer

    Kill them all..
  15. wildwoody

    Unit 1 Deer

    You put in for it, get out there and learn. Lot more to hunting then killing. Good luck and welcome.
  16. wildwoody

    Anyone using a chest freezer/generator combo?

    Done it many times works great.
  17. wildwoody

    Stolen truck (update recovered) 🙂

    WTF are you saying. Criminals steal everything. Hope you find it, then lay down some justice..
  18. wildwoody

    Stolen truck (update recovered) 🙂

    WTF.. They say crime is going down..
  19. wildwoody

    Silencer wait time???

    Why are they so great that you would want to go thru the feds for anything. Very curious not nocking them..
  20. wildwoody

    Duwane Adams ?

    Good luck, deer are on a low upthere.
  21. wildwoody

    Big Rainbow on a stone fly

    Gonna hit it for 2 days on way up to Sundance for a mule deer and Antelope hunt. Cant wait
  22. wildwoody

    Drew my 2ND choice

    17 points, chit. Have fun
  23. wildwoody

    Lees Ferry update

    I know, I said they need to be. The Damm things run into my boat all the time at Woods..
  24. wildwoody

    Big Rainbow on a stone fly

    Its on the North Plate river in Wyoming, it runs between 2 reservoirs
  25. wildwoody

    Big Rainbow on a stone fly

    Have you ever fished the Miracle Mile?