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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Kaibab Road Conditions?

    Shoot some of those house cats.
  2. wildwoody

    Mule deer antlers replication

    I've only seen them done from real hard horns to make the form, not sure about doing it be eye, how about a 3d printer?
  3. wildwoody

    Anyone know who’s set up this is?

    Why do you want to know who's it is??
  4. wildwoody

    Kaibab Road Conditions?

    Wise guy a..
  5. wildwoody

    Kaibab Road Conditions?

    Are the deer moving?
  6. wildwoody

    Thought he was lucky but maybe he’s good

    Sniper in the making, natural for sure. Priceless memories
  7. wildwoody

    What to do? Weather for 4a Youth Elk Hunt

    Watched 4 cows today feeding on my hill for an hour in a down pour, hope for snow and track them..
  8. Yes sir, maybe not tropical storms
  9. Casey are you a wounded vet? Can't figure out why so much hate. No disrespect. Nice bull
  10. wildwoody

    new draw format sucks

    First run a little slow, but after that quick, remember to check the 3 boxes on first page and after you fill in birthday there is a check mark below to confirm
  11. wildwoody

    Opening morning Jr success

    Very nice buck, congrats
  12. wildwoody

    Detour if you're heading to the Kaibab

    Looks like possible 6"+ snow up in the BAB this weekend, will the deer move early??
  13. wildwoody

    Have a great youth hunt

    Smack em kidos..
  14. wildwoody

    Whats up with them rain giblets?

    Puppy dick, priceless.. Anyway get it done Friday you'll be good, Saturday afternoon and Sunday don't look great.. Puppy dick. Lmao
  15. wildwoody

    Detour if you're heading to the Kaibab

    Doesn't look bad, already fixing it..
  16. wildwoody


    Cool griz pics, lol
  17. wildwoody

    Detour if you're heading to the Kaibab

    Hope it fixed by the 25Th
  18. wildwoody

    Ladder treestand on a saguaro??

    Endangered at least protected , state cacti, I wouldn't even ask.. Use a blind or get a tri pod stand
  19. wildwoody

    What is the best Couse unit in AZ

    Put in for 23 and call the Az ground pounders.. Done
  20. wildwoody

    What is the best Couse unit in AZ

    12a east, my favorite