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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Mtn Lion Quota Reached

    Ya , kill wolves.. hope Jim Guginhower helps with this crap
  2. wildwoody

    Can we get hoodies made????

    White on black? Very cool stuff
  3. wildwoody

    Swarovski slc 15x56 case

  4. wildwoody

    Wanna see a huge buck?

    It grows on you.. Woe I'd say in the 210's
  5. wildwoody

    Newbie Western hunter

    Oh ya, he's setting you up for an eastern hunt. Lol
  6. wildwoody

    22 Points

  7. wildwoody

    2019 SnowPig

    That's pig hunting for sure, congratulations
  8. wildwoody

    Desert Muzzy Buck

    Awesome buck, I'm jealous, congratulations to the young man, good job dad
  9. wildwoody

    Love hunting in the snow...

    Love hunting the snow also, easy tracking. Great buck. Sent you pm
  10. wildwoody

    Trail cam this morning

    Sweet pic..
  11. wildwoody

    Cleaning smoke off a mount

    Use show groom for horses and I'll also ask the old man,
  12. wildwoody

    Weather report

    Ya real bad up here, scanner was smoking from none stop action. Fatal head on, a couple more head ons. Slide offs everywhere, truck 40' down in canyon . Curvar curve a jack knife. Wrong way driver on 87 and so much more. All hotels were full and they were asking Payson people to take people in. Crazy. Now its freezing and icy
  13. wildwoody

    Hunting the gullies in the flats

    Figure it out , then you'll have a honey hole, find trails, water source
  14. wildwoody

    Deer hit, broken arrow question

    Broken arrow are not rare at all, I've killed elk with 8" penetration and arrow broke off, start at last blood and use toilet paper and mark each blood spot so you can look back at the trail direction. If you didn't push him you should find him within a quarter mile. Goodluck
  15. wildwoody

    Antelope permits down.

    I got a FoxPro fx3
  16. wildwoody

    Sons first success

    Well done
  17. wildwoody

    Antelope permits down.

    That sucks, I've seen probably 500+ coyotes in my hunting carrier but have never even tried to shoot one. I guess it's to start shopping some
  18. wildwoody

    Weather report

    Up to about 6". Idiots crashing up and down 87 all day, 260 is getting crazy now, chains or 4 wheel drive required. Be safe out there
  19. wildwoody

    Antelope permits down.

    Kill them all. You can still hunt yotes at night in units with speed goats, correct?
  20. wildwoody

    Weather report

    up o 3"-4" now
  21. wildwoody

    Weather report

    Coming down good in Payson, 1" and growing
  22. wildwoody

    Daughters 1st archery buck

    Very cool
  23. wildwoody


    What's the regular price?, and why you selling?
  24. wildwoody

    2019 regs

    What's awesome , no fawns or regs are out?