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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Senior trip to Mx

    Wow what a trip, my dad didn't even take me rabbit hunting, priceless memories
  2. wildwoody

    Coues whitetail cape

    You can freeze them to kill the ticks but you need to pull it an HR before you get checked and then they can unfold it to check, sorry about the cavity search
  3. wildwoody

    Coues whitetail cape

    Well I shot a real nice buck in Mexico, was with a great group of guys. Hit him a little back and couldn't located due to had to leave the next day. He's been found , I go back Wednesday to get him. So on that note they cut his head of and enjoyed the meat, so now I need a cape, if anyone has one that hasn't been sliced up the front that you want to part with let me know. Tubed is preferred but I'm open to anything. No spikes please.. Thanks guys and gals
  4. wildwoody


    I tried to do it thru chase, they said I had to order them, they love American green but I think there exchange rate is a little of at the toll booths.
  5. wildwoody

    San Carlos buck

    Is there a draw for the res.
  6. wildwoody

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    I'd take him, I shoot little deer, no matter what he's a buck of a life time.
  7. wildwoody

    Coues whitetail cape

    Thankyou , I hope I figure out how to rotate them before the story, or haten will begin, sucks I didn't get any pics with him , but that would take away from his beauty, I'm glad he's hidden in this tread
  8. wildwoody

    Coues whitetail cape

    Your killing me, I just drove 12 hrs, my spelling already sucks , if I do it tonight spell check wont even be able to figure it out. Tomorrow got a lot of thanking to do
  9. wildwoody

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    You need help. Lmfao
  10. wildwoody

    Coues whitetail cape

    Just flip your tablet over looks great, backwards butt deer for backwards butt dude.. Hints the name wildwoody.
  11. wildwoody

    Coues whitetail cape

    Hope you don't get dizzy easily
  12. wildwoody

    Coues whitetail cape

  13. wildwoody

    Coues whitetail cape

    It did , me and bambi made it home just fine,
  14. wildwoody

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Super raffle $5 , governor tag $80.000 give or take you know who I'm pulling for, best man won, give or take on tag price
  15. wildwoody

    Coues whitetail cape

    Thanks I'll post more pics tomorrow night, thanks again for your input im feeling much better.
  16. wildwoody

    Coues whitetail cape

    I'll try, they were very nice when we came thru besides some guys capes were frozen solid so they thru them away, I don't understand why I can't drive across with the rancher, he's gonna follow me anyway.
  17. wildwoody

    Coues whitetail cape

    Trphyhntr I didn't think you were scared of anything, now we know your week ness
  18. wildwoody

    Coues whitetail cape

    I really appreciate your input, I respect your opinion, it's gonna be along sleepless night, a little nerves, I usually try to steer clear of possible problems, but this deer is worth it. You wanna come with. Lol really thankyou for your input
  19. wildwoody

    Coues whitetail cape

    No , I'm not taking my gun back just have the paper work, would never chance looseing my wifes Tacoma without Mexican ins was only $36 dollars, I don't want to drive across but the rancher said it would be better to bring it back in an American car. I wish I could just walk across and walk back, I will try. It will be at Nogales
  20. wildwoody

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Where did you go , a drink break.
  21. wildwoody

    Hunting Report ?

    That's nasty, deer porn
  22. wildwoody

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Exactly, thanks teach. Your a riot.
  23. wildwoody

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Is this a high breed?
  24. wildwoody

    First Time Mexico Coues Hunt DIY

    We went week earlier this year because they were up all night with the moon, and bedded most of the day, this year it was all day long, with some 20min lows
  25. wildwoody

    First Time Mexico Coues Hunt DIY

    We were the the week before and it was off the hook