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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Daughters first kill

    Awesome, congratulations to you both.
  2. wildwoody

    Do we really need a border wall?

    Build it high
  3. wildwoody

    Backpack stolen from truck

    That sucks , my biggest fear.
  4. wildwoody

    Youth stink pig, good luck to all

    Because I'm stupid, ok and didn't release it was the classifieds, sorry kids
  5. wildwoody

    Youth stink pig, good luck to all

    Great job , some great up and comers . Had a fun day on the hill, saw tons of deer , even got to show a great friend (new hunter) and grand daughter what I witnessed in Mexico. Whitetail fitting activity, with a 100" + deer rutting hard. But no pigs and we picked the hills apart. Gonna try new area tomorrow, hopefully will find her one tomorrow. Oh ya did a little fishing mid day.
  6. wildwoody

    Youth stink pig, good luck to all

    Awesome congrats, heading out now
  7. wildwoody

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    They say checks will go out in 3 business days , I hope so because you guys work very hard and need it. I understand the frustration believe me.
  8. wildwoody

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Why because people need paychecks while dems don't give a dam about anyone, is that what you mean, someone had to get these people paid
  9. wildwoody

    WTB Remington ADL Long Action Factory Wood Stock

    Your a great guy, need more like you
  10. wildwoody

    San Carlos buck

    I hope to meet him some day, with a tag
  11. wildwoody

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    You guys kill me.
  12. wildwoody

    Youth stink pig, good luck to all

    Now that's what I'm talking about, what's its really about, congrats 805 wow, pics please
  13. wildwoody

    Youth stink pig, good luck to all

    Really every time, was trying to get away from the macho crap, thanks
  14. wildwoody

    **f/s TIKKA T3 LIGHT 300 WIN MAG**

    This is going to get confusing, 2 bigbrowns, Adam gonna have to change your stage name. Sorry
  15. wildwoody

    My Boy's first coues.....

    The boys aready got a great hunting legacy.. Congrats
  16. wildwoody

    Unit 21 herd....Edit...Pics and story

  17. wildwoody

    Sonoran Antelope Question

    Build the wall...….
  18. wildwoody


    How good work with the claw
  19. wildwoody

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Oh I've heard of her, just haven't heard what happened
  20. wildwoody

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    What did I miss here?
  21. wildwoody

    What's the trick with upside down pics?

    I just posted to my cape post from my computer, sorry tablet and there upside down.
  22. wildwoody

    Super Raffle tag buck...

    Question, if A3 is so great why do they follow the ground pounders around? just wondering, and know there not involved in my post, I've seen it first hand. Opportunist are opportunist. Jmo
  23. wildwoody

    Where can I get waterdogs for fishing?

    There were a couple water holes up here by Payson that usually has them. Might be little early
  24. wildwoody

    Oh Deer! Video

    Priceless, lmfao