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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Anyone making a Phoenix to Sierra Vista trip soon?

    Stop it you guys are killing me, I'll take a teener.
  2. wildwoody


    It's never been found in az, as of 2018. Who knows now, everyone should put in this year, especially the Bab.
  3. wildwoody

    2009 Yamaha Rhino 700fi (SOLD)

    I miss mine..
  4. wildwoody

    2019 National Call Making Contest

    I'm trying to convince him of turkey fever, the old woulda, coulda, shoulda
  5. wildwoody

    Zeiss Conquest 15 x 56 binoculars

    Oh ya this is the shxt right here..
  6. wildwoody

    Sold-Remington 300 RUM Brass-Sold

    Dang I need to sell my once shot rum brass..
  7. wildwoody

    A few pics

    Dam gay deer.. You need to shoot the big buck and tell use what he scores, looks like 30" of mass
  8. wildwoody

    A few pics

    Was that 2 deer furnacating. Thanks for shearing
  9. wildwoody

    Does anyone use “off brand” trail cams from Amazon?

    I get mine off camofire.com great prises
  10. wildwoody

    $17.50 Primos Trail Cameras

  11. wildwoody

    2019 National Call Making Contest

    Darn kids bring them with i'll set up camp
  12. wildwoody

    2019 National Call Making Contest

    Ya ya
  13. wildwoody

    2019 National Call Making Contest

    It's better the hunting elk in the rut, well worth it, and you need one for your az big 10
  14. wildwoody

    $17.50 Primos Trail Cameras

    Hopefully he never liked dicks😆
  15. wildwoody

    $17.50 Primos Trail Cameras

    That's good..
  16. wildwoody

    2019 National Call Making Contest

    Put in with me next year , you'll love it
  17. wildwoody


    Looking like snow in the high country starting tomorrow thru next Thursday. Can't wait to see all the broken sleds and trash coming our way..
  18. wildwoody

    Tent, stove and generator

    Sorry about your dad, don't post something unless you intend to sell that's all there saying
  19. wildwoody

    Western Colorado

    That's awesome, congrats
  20. wildwoody

    Kahles K624i Gen 3 RSW 6-24×56 MIL/MIL w. SKMR

    How's the world record bet coming. Nice scope
  21. wildwoody


    These are sweet coolers, love mine, great price.
  22. wildwoody

    Docter 30x80 Binoculars - Price Reduced

    There mine, I'm dead. Who wants in the will
  23. wildwoody

    Don't try this at HOME!

    Rifles don't count with vests, dumb asses..
  24. wildwoody

    Don't try this at HOME!

    Probably a rifle..