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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    All gone

    Azlance is looking for one l believe
  2. wildwoody

    Weatherby Vanguard 300 win mag (needs work)

    Good to here, great deal
  3. Maybe, it's who you know..
  4. wildwoody

    2019 Ham Javelina

    Well done, congratulations to you both. Couple of nice stinkers.
  5. Have you tried the center extension piece. I'm 5'10" and works fine,
  6. wildwoody

    Major winter storm to hit high country

    Wouldn't that be nice, hope I get a tag for 27
  7. wildwoody

    Major winter storm to hit high country

    There you go trphyhntr.. Crazy shxt just like the 90's
  8. wildwoody

    Major winter storm to hit high country

    Next Friday you will have enough to snow mobile
  9. wildwoody

    Oh Ya

    Love to..
  10. wildwoody

    Father Time

    That's really cool.
  11. wildwoody

    Major winter storm to hit high country

    Love mango's
  12. wildwoody

    Oh Ya

    Look at the forecast …
  13. wildwoody

    Oh Ya

    17"-23" in Payson, tunnel pigs
  14. wildwoody

    Do we really need a border wall?

    There's nothing going on , your making it up.. Can't see it from DC
  15. wildwoody

    1st javalina

    Well done, congratulation to you both.
  16. wildwoody

    Do we really need a border wall?

  17. wildwoody


    Oh ya snowing good now.
  18. wildwoody

    Taken off

    Sweet gun...
  19. wildwoody

    anyone want to go fox hunting?

    Would love to do this..
  20. wildwoody

    Sausage Recipes

  21. wildwoody

    Help ID knife set ( STARTED FS POST)

    Sweet set , great price. Thyll be sold buy the morning
  22. wildwoody

    Kids and ATVs

    10yrs old, and watch the age per CC's. Main thing that I noticed with young kids is controlling a quad during a panic, and get one with a governor.
  23. wildwoody

    Transporting a Turkey on an Airplane for Taxidermy

    Skin it and salt it roll it up put in a air tight bag , sould be good, ill check for you.
  24. wildwoody

    15x Side by Side Comparison 2/16/19

    Well what's the results.. A big pig?