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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Bass fishing gear

    Has got to be painfull
  2. wildwoody

    Traditional muzzleloader otc elk

    Opportunist ??
  3. wildwoody

    Traditional muzzleloader otc elk

    PRDATR offers always open also. Russ you need to get up here also. We can do rim lakes or the res my favorites. Don't forget Biggy lake. Also need to get a group together to night fish river reservoir, full moon in August big browns baby.
  4. wildwoody

    Traditional muzzleloader otc elk

    All work and no play makes Kevin a tired boy. Will have to take Adam.
  5. wildwoody

    Traditional muzzleloader otc elk

    Come on up, I try and do middle of the week, I can get alittle poopy with the crowds. And will take that IDGAF guy, not sure what his name is. Lol Going tomorrow at 4:30am . Fred next Wednesday..
  6. wildwoody

    Trump shot at rally today

    But his body didn't slide off after they shot him. They have alot of explaining to do. Yup
  7. wildwoody

    Elk Antler Progress

    Was like 438"
  8. wildwoody

    Trump shot at rally today

    But with the right training, what does a shooter look like. Mark Walberg, just saying he could have been a gun nerd. You know what I mean.
  9. wildwoody

    Trump shot at rally today

    Ah, 138 yards , rifle club in school, regular at the range. . He just forgot to lead his shot..
  10. wildwoody

    Bass Pro / Cabelas

    Im not signing up for that. But thank you
  11. wildwoody

    Bass Pro / Cabelas

    And Basspro bought Cabale's year on more ago, just took along time to transition..
  12. wildwoody

    Trump shot at rally today

    Just herd head of secret service was appointed because she's Jill Biden's friend, and her and the sniper will be testify next week. Oh boy.. They probably have an electronic device on the snipers gun so they can't shot until activated. Just me
  13. wildwoody

    Trump shot at rally today

    You know he had him in his cross hairs, but until he pulled the trigger he didn't do anything wrong, right so no green light. In side job for sure. I believe the agents are solid, its this DEI crap above them. Except for the lunch lady. WTF
  14. wildwoody

    Trump shot at rally today

    Hay she's got there 6. Lmao
  15. wildwoody

    Trump shot at rally today

    Train station for sure. Trip strong👊
  16. wildwoody

    Trump shot at rally today

    One question, may have been asked here. If a snipper had a dude with a gun in his cross hairs, people on adjacent roof yelling there's a guy with a gun on the roof. People on the ground pointing out a guy with a gun on the roof. DID anyone think to get Trump the F off the stage. Prime example why stupid people shouldn't breed . I can't figure this one out.
  17. wildwoody

    Trump shot at rally today

    YES THEY ARE!!!!
  18. I get it, I have a lot of material out sometimes. And I will come and repo my material if you don't pay. Legal or not , its mine until payment mine. Same way with if you pay a deposit then you can come take your stuff after reasonable amount of time, just me..
  19. wildwoody

    FS: Swaro 15x56 and case

    These HD's figuring they are at this pice?
  20. wildwoody

    Traditional muzzleloader otc elk

    No woods canyon on fav bass lures. Got to meet up..
  21. wildwoody

    Traditional muzzleloader otc elk

    Try last week of the month, need to get wire for res generator wire ordered from you. Nice job. Oh ya the big fish are biting
  22. wildwoody

    Traditional muzzleloader otc elk

    When we going??
  23. I got one finally.Ya I don't get the big deposits required in taxidermy. In my business I never take deposits, but you oh me upon completion. I would much rather the you owe me then me owe you. And its inventive to return
  24. wildwoody

    Trump shot at rally today

    Makes you wonder doesn't it..