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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    New business

    Don't be a weinie azbig10
  2. wildwoody

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    I guess its all about getting out before the crowds, the youth deer hunts seem to shoot the biggest bucks on average.
  3. wildwoody

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    Youth tags yes for sure.
  4. wildwoody

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    Doesn't everyone have the right to apply as long there of legal age, I always used to put my kids in for bull tags . They did great , better then me. Memories that can never be forgotten. It's a lottery. I've won and I lost, you can't lose if you don't play.. Sorry proceed you to.
  5. wildwoody

    Boat rental at roosevelt.

    May be at the marina past the bridge. Only here of jet skies
  6. wildwoody

    A couple of Mechanic Openings... Anyone need a job??

    My son is a diesel mechanic, ill check with him..
  7. wildwoody

    NCAA Runners breaking records!!!

    Man is a man, women are women, that's it who cares about who you like to have sex with..
  8. wildwoody


    Awesome can't wait to hit the spawn.
  9. wildwoody

    Elk Draw Delayed

    Now that's some funny shxt right there..
  10. wildwoody

    More closures

    I here that, doesn't it go back to one lion a yr now in those units or completely closed?
  11. wildwoody

    My **** is bigger than yours.

    They make a huge cast iron pan..
  12. wildwoody

    My **** is bigger than yours.

    Friday is the goto the next stage of stress, wondering what choice.. Good luck to all
  13. wildwoody

    Mexico Report

    Bet they cook up good, liven the dream.
  14. wildwoody

    Kamala Harris making History!!!

    I was talking about cattle thieves , and yes it was a joke..
  15. wildwoody

    Day 4 Stink Pig /1st Ever

    Well done, great shooting
  16. wildwoody

    I'm giving away this Camp Kitchen

    Oh boy we got a sleeper..
  17. wildwoody

    Major winter storm to hit high country

    Amazing pictures, there's still snow everywhere.
  18. wildwoody

    Kamala Harris making History!!!

    I'm white so I've been branded, love all people
  19. wildwoody

    I'm giving away this Camp Kitchen

    I didn't like it, I don't do face book, Payson is alittle strange I will admit
  20. wildwoody

    Kamala Harris making History!!!

    Wow, need to get one more in before it passes..
  21. wildwoody

    ADOT lazy

    It was funny on Thursday night listening to the gila County sheriff begging adot to close the roads with no answer, there alittle slow to react.
  22. wildwoody

    CC Hit

    I only got one, she's got her own credit card..
  23. wildwoody

    I'm giving away this Camp Kitchen

    Ya no face book no in, Payson games. Some little old lady up here will win it. Lol
  24. wildwoody

    New business

    I'm not feeling it sorry.
  25. wildwoody

    CC Hit

    Gotcha, just checked mine the one I used is good until 3/21. The new one is 3/23. I'm gonna wait to activate.