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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Anyone making a Phoenix to Sierra Vista trip soon?

    Catfish or the deer.. Hears his brother
  2. wildwoody

    Anyone making a Phoenix to Sierra Vista trip soon?

    Well, well ain't he petty.😎
  3. wildwoody

    CC Hit (First Elk Hunt) GEAR TIPS

    Of course Swiss army, if not the old Rambo survival knife
  4. wildwoody

    CC Hit (First Elk Hunt) GEAR TIPS

    A pocket knife, fanny pack, 7x35 tasco's and a granola bar.
  5. wildwoody

    Hunting other states

    My buddy has family in Kentucky and Iowa, all we have to do is show up and hunt there farms.
  6. wildwoody

    Hunting other states

    I think I'm going to do Kentucky this year..
  7. wildwoody


    I got a turkey tag..
  8. wildwoody


    Ya I guess I should sell them doctors.
  9. wildwoody


    My cards always take a day to show up. Ya right
  10. wildwoody

    22 Non- Residents had 15+ BPs

    Ya, 22 pts here a nothing but silence..
  11. wildwoody

    22 Non- Residents had 15+ BPs

    There's always a twist..
  12. wildwoody

    Wife & I drew ML elk :)

    Very cool.
  13. wildwoody

    When will the hits start? no thread on this yet?

    Is this dirtbag back, noballs350
  14. wildwoody

    When will the hits start? no thread on this yet?

    Its funny just watching the pain..
  15. wildwoody

    New business

    They do, when?
  16. wildwoody

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    There are no youth bull elk or rut deer but getting out there right after archery season when dads scouting and before there pushed to nocturnal movement its better then the rut. Lots of big whitetails and mule deer bucks killed. Elk is only cow.
  17. wildwoody


    Sounds like a cool build.
  18. wildwoody

    New business

    Your good, sometimes we don't know when to let up. Really nice stuff. Camp bennies would be cool
  19. wildwoody

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    3 1/2 hrs to update dead line.. What time you think they'll start hitting cards tomorrow?
  20. wildwoody

    WTB 25-06

    I've got a Remington, bdl, long barrel
  21. wildwoody

    Rem 700 300 win mag with leupold VX-3i

    Great deal..
  22. wildwoody

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    OK, so I take it must point pounders are using them for archery? Also can't you only use point guard once?
  23. wildwoody

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    Isn't the average between the 2 hunters, like if I had 20 and my friend had 10 would it average out to 15 ?