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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    rock for trail camera security

    Cool idea..
  2. wildwoody

    12 points...now what?

    22s muzzy is a fun hunt, with some opportunity.
  3. wildwoody

    Free Scope for Youth: Shipped Out

    You selling the kid.. Lol
  4. wildwoody


  5. wildwoody

    Cabelas cook station *Brand new*

    Very cool..
  6. wildwoody

    Results are posted!!!

    Nothing heading to the eastern stud whitetail country, Iowa and the blue grass state Kentucky.
  7. wildwoody

    When will the hits start? no thread on this yet?

    I got nothing, here I come Iowa and Kentucky..
  8. wildwoody

    When will the hits start? no thread on this yet?

    Can't wait until deer draw then all this crap starts again. Have alittle patience..
  9. wildwoody

    Picture Perfect – Justin Davis

    Cool story, sweet buck..
  10. wildwoody

    Hi-Ho Hi-Ho It's off to market I go

    Nice pile, whats a yote go for these days..
  11. wildwoody

    When you’re upset you don’t draw

    OK Toby..
  12. wildwoody

    No elk tag, other hunt

    Your down south?
  13. wildwoody

    No elk tag, other hunt

    I just want a nugget, how much for a half ounce'r
  14. Do it, its your wife's money. Lol
  15. wildwoody


    Ya he could of gotten a early bull tag, and an additional $7.50 for six years and $13.00 for 4 yes. Close?
  16. wildwoody


    Ya I can read a little, its my spelling. I know he has 10 pts, but you can't eat the horns, and were not trophy hunters here
  17. wildwoody


    Is Alamo by California border?
  18. wildwoody

    CC Hit

    Miss read, I thought you were saying it was bs if true, but you were asking if it was bs. My bad , yes you do get the results quicker.
  19. wildwoody

    Glassing Chair

    I use tripod that swivels, and stands higher then most.
  20. wildwoody

    CC Hit

    Sign up then you don't have to call it BS...
  21. wildwoody


    You still got a good meat hunt.
  22. wildwoody

    I was fooled

    What was the $30 for, sounds like Wyoming goat point.
  23. If I wasn't doing Saskatchewan deer id be in.
  24. wildwoody

    CC Hit (First Elk Hunt) GEAR TIPS

    I like Garmin..
  25. wildwoody


    Will do, ill be in San Diego in April