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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Latest project!

    Very cool, and not a bad idea.
  2. wildwoody

    2007 Yamaha Rhino only 253 Actual Miles

  3. wildwoody

    First tag for elk, 7W, any help appreciated

    No reason to scout, goto coueswhitetail.com , done, just kidding never hunted it. Goodluck
  4. wildwoody

    Turkey Teaser

    Well maybe we can do some trading..
  5. wildwoody

    Jim white head or outdoorsmans pan?

    Need one for my new doctors.
  6. wildwoody

    2019 Mexico hunt

    yes it would be, those guys were off the hook. Thankyou. My best to date
  7. wildwoody

    2019 Mexico hunt

    Would also like to thank shooter for the beautiful cape..
  8. wildwoody

    Rifle for my wife

    Great gun..
  9. wildwoody

    How much you gotta spend?

    Yes sir, I believe mine is the fox pro 3x, easy to load calls, the best part any problems they'll fix it or send you a new one. Mines like 15 yes old and still works great. Oh ya get the jack in the box attachment
  10. wildwoody

    Turkey Teaser

    I take it you know where your going , but if you need a spot let me know, ill be up a week or two scouting for my hunt..
  11. wildwoody

    How much you gotta spend?

    Mine to, love it
  12. wildwoody

    Turkey Teaser

    Can't wait for my 23 hunt..
  13. wildwoody

    Best place to get a cowboy hat

    Doesn't the boot barn sell them, you need a good stetson
  14. wildwoody

    Major winter storm to hit high country

    Got to love it..
  15. Well we got about 6" in Payson the last 2 days but starting Thursday thru Friday looks Like Payson may be getting 17"-23" of snow. Everyone coming up to play and hunt be safe a .courteous to all.. Love it just the good old days, tracking pigs in the snow
  16. wildwoody

    Good Contractors

    That sucks, there are a lot of piece of crap contractors out there, but there are some of us good ones still around. My warranty is for as long as I and you live, I was taught if you do your work right and professionally you'll never have to go back and fix it. Must want to be contractors only warranty for as long as the law requires. We have a bunch of no good so called contractors up here in Payson. And don't get me started on handyman. Anyway don't count on the joke registrar of contractors, if the guy went bankrupt he probably had his first license revoked. They can't even keep the 2 million required in the fund and keep changing the good ones more to recover for the shoot heads. And know they want to do away with the 4 yr experience requirement. So wait it will only get better. Thankyou Tom Knapp
  17. wildwoody

    Mormon Lake

    Wow , haven't seen that in at least 15 yrs
  18. So why call it a contest, just go out there and wipe them out. G&f is a big joke, we are California bond. Take your kids hunting as much as you can, I give it 10yrs and hunting will be a thing of the past. Jmo
  19. wildwoody


    Any news on sawn yet?
  20. wildwoody


    When is all the spring breakers gonna be there?
  21. wildwoody

    2019 Mexico hunt

    Got a great taxidermist..
  22. wildwoody

    Bull Elk 22 South

    Wow that looks taste, I just had a tender loin and king crab legs so thank God I'm full or I'd be pouching me some of that. Lol cool pics of the hunt
  23. wildwoody

    Major winter storm to hit high country

    I was thinking the same thing..
  24. wildwoody

    Popcorn thread

    He's a regular gangster..
  25. wildwoody

    Major winter storm to hit high country

    One he'll of a storm hitting mid west, semi's falling over, wide at 95 mph, crazy and poor Bob is stuck in Denver.