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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Lower Black River

    And me please.
  2. wildwoody

    Tucson scrap yards

    If you were in Phoenix I could hook you up on my account, and make much more money..
  3. wildwoody

    Lower Black River

    Goodluck, hopefully all is good..
  4. wildwoody


    That's nice to bring up, very sad and doesn't have a Damm thing to do with this forum. Just alittle sick..
  5. wildwoody


    True that, had it happen on a tripod also, decided to give it to a friend. Is what it is. Carma is a b👀tch..
  6. wildwoody

    Thinking of moving

    Thank good we're not, Star Valley is way better, we had Ronnie (God rest his sole) you got a jack fxxk,, Payson the suck hole of the world..
  7. wildwoody


    Empty statement
  8. wildwoody

    Junior Bird Down!!!

  9. wildwoody

    First youth turkey

    Love it. Was a rough week end for the kids. Windy
  10. wildwoody

    Youth shotgun recommendations

    Charles Dailey makes a great semi auto 20g, not to expensive.
  11. wildwoody


    Love having dad.
  12. wildwoody

    Need trailer wiring adapter

    10$ at autozone
  13. wildwoody

    Water Canyon Road to Big Lake

    Willow is open.
  14. wildwoody

    Turkeys gobbling

  15. wildwoody

    Any shed action yet?

    Yes this is true, I knowva few guys that do it with much success, not sure if its considered harassment
  16. wildwoody


    Snow this weekend
  17. wildwoody

    Slik PRO 724 CF - New In Box

  18. wildwoody

    Turkeys gobbling

    Well done..
  19. wildwoody

    Injured hunter willing to sell his Mexico Gould's hunt

    So what's the bottom dollar since it was a raffle.
  20. wildwoody

    Turkeys gobbling

    There still in Batchelor groups, half gobbles.,
  21. wildwoody

    San Diego 4th of July Suggestions

    I've done a limited on the prowler a while back on the 4th and killed them. Great boat..
  22. wildwoody

    Where are the crappie pics?

    Your back..
  23. wildwoody

    Injured hunter willing to sell his Mexico Gould's hunt

    Dam that sucks.
  24. wildwoody

    Potable Water Totes

    Fill it up and get it tested. Done
  25. wildwoody

    Trail Cam BAN

    Here we go. CJ