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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Bullies of the range! Well written!

    Forest service sucks, never do anything besides pull down large government pay checks. Look at the no patrolling during fire restrictions.
  2. wildwoody

    Home Depot gift cards 15% off

    Around $255.00 give or take, let me no I'm building a deck. I can use them
  3. wildwoody


    I here that I have had many bears at my camera 5 mind before I checked it in the dark. That makes your hair stand up.
  4. wildwoody


    20min difference, you were good
  5. wildwoody

    Dental Work

    Charles Bier in Payson, 3 tooth Bridge $2700. Never felt a thing.
  6. wildwoody

    1995 jeep wrangler

    Better then any side by side with half the price.
  7. wildwoody

    Youth Hunt - 12 AW

    There's a buck to doe ratio up there of 57-100. Right what they smoken.
  8. wildwoody

    Kids riding toys

    Good looking kid, take after his mom. Just bustten
  9. wildwoody

    Selling prime deer spot

    Hurry before it gets towed .
  10. wildwoody

    Cabin in Unit 10 NM

    Halves come on
  11. wildwoody

    Mounting brackets for dual big eye spotter set ups

    Thought you had visitations for my doctors.
  12. wildwoody

    Horse saga continues

    Reidhead is a snowflake name, and showlow. I believe her, 😵
  13. Looks basically exactly tye same, ill pull it out and post a picture
  14. wildwoody

    Regs are out

  15. wildwoody

    Regs are out

    Isn't today like the last day for paper apps ever?
  16. wildwoody

    6a early archery

    Lots of night activity during that hunt, many people, I hunt the south west end. Goodluck. Oh ya why doesn't your buddy know about the hunt if he put in for it?
  17. wildwoody

    The Draw ?

    Have a monitor for each draw.. 20 computers could whip it out in 10 mind or less. Pre do the max point draw and have them on the gold screen.
  18. wildwoody

    The Draw ?

    Just like the old days..
  19. wildwoody

    The Draw ?

    I'm in
  20. wildwoody

    Tri clawps shooting rest

    Great price, think mine was $99 + tax
  21. wildwoody

    Any boat guys want to give advice?

    I got the bass tracker 16.8' with the four stroke, $9995.99, love it just no time to us it. Hope that changes. Good luck
  22. wildwoody

    Popcorn thread

  23. wildwoody

    San Diego 4th of July Suggestions

    Heat your saying there's no albacore in the Mexican waters in July, we killed them 2 years in a row over the fourth in 2008-9 . Have they gone south?
  24. Got an email saying the fall draw this year will be the last draw that they'll accept paper apps. It's finally happened