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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Bear cub or no?

    fat cat..
  2. wildwoody


    What's max height
  3. wildwoody

    Post up your success in tags

    Nephew got 5bs muzzle loader
  4. wildwoody

    Big Hooker...

  5. wildwoody

    Fishing at ROSY

    Any body know about the pike bite at lake Marie
  6. wildwoody

    Youth cow unit 22 help

    You got friends in 5000ft high places. As the man said your covered when it comes time..
  7. wildwoody

    Youth cow unit 22 help

    Tonto village, control road..
  8. wildwoody

    Shed buyer

    Probably chasing a dream archery in Payson. Jeremy buys them year round I believe..
  9. wildwoody

    Costco is getting emptied

    The market will come back.
  10. wildwoody

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Can't believe people are making a run on toilet paper when the world is supposed to be ending. Really, y2k all over again.. And business is great.
  11. wildwoody


  12. wildwoody

    Bridgestone mud and snow, 18" tires , 5 total, new

    Bump, theses came off a wrangler Sahara
  13. End this opportunist BS. Go figure it out yourself like the rest of us..
  14. wildwoody

    Sell or keep

    Looks like old military desk.
  15. wildwoody

    Holdovers versus Come-Ups.

    Kenton, deadly
  16. Your hand is a little low there Adam
  17. wildwoody


    I will take it
  18. wildwoody

    Help for a Youth Hunt

    1 year , hack 1 minute. During my sons archery hunt, both Men were higher ups at emrie riddle school. Real bad they both Perished. They were doing aerobatic stuts practicing for the Prescott days, hit each other on a stall, and crashed 200yrds from us. .
  19. wildwoody

    Help for a Youth Hunt

    Not for sure but I've herd Jayson is gone and there's a new care taker on fain ranch and he doesn't allow hunter access anymore. Could be wrong, I watched 2 plains crash there 15 yrs ago... Good luck to him..
  20. Hunt the power lines on the res boundary. Lots of bulls
  21. wildwoody

    Post up your success in tags

    Tag 68 -69 sure as heck isn't in the bonus pass, if you mean there name was floating around 20 times and that helped then ok..
  22. Lets end this please, he's a troll, or a Dam scary hunter.