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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Whats my score

    Yes that is Tyne, him and the guy from muly crazy couldn't believe the mass and how lazy he was to not clean his horns. Jaraca is like family. Great people. Score really doesn't matter. But he is huge.27" inside spread
  2. wildwoody

    2024 buck

    Great buck, love the start of second main beam..
  3. wildwoody

    Diesel repair

    Good deal, especially when prices skyrocket after Kamala get elected. Not
  4. wildwoody

    Early 12a west

    Heres a 12a west
  5. wildwoody

    Whats my score

    Here it is on my 223"
  6. wildwoody

    Whats my score

    I was trying to get everyones idea, and some fun. But the pics I took weren't doing it justice. So yes I should of just posed these
  7. wildwoody

    Whats my score

    Nope but they did drual, Jarara did. Ill post pic with him sitting on my 223"
  8. wildwoody

    Whats my score

    Here a couple more of the little guy
  9. wildwoody

    Whats my score

    Taped at 200" on the hill, not sure exactly on measurements on the mass. Pics make him look smaller. Anyway haven't officially scored and don't care to . But apparently grossly missed scored. Thanks for the replyins
  10. wildwoody

    Whats my score

    Ya sounds right but not.
  11. wildwoody

    Whats my score

    42"s of mass.
  12. wildwoody

    Whats my score

    Yes sir, I really don't care, but with first 2 scores of mass are at 8 inches each both sides so was wondering the possibilities. So what's everyone's thoughts ??
  13. wildwoody

    WTB Puffy Jacket FOUND ONE

  14. wildwoody

    Shockey’s sheep

    Chit I got 27 WTF..
  15. wildwoody

    Trolling motor $50

    Great deal.
  16. wildwoody

    What keeps you from going?

    My boat. I here you, I have never had energy my whole life. You need to push yourself and get a motel. You can do it. We work to die. Just me. Great post
  17. wildwoody


    Ya and then the game and fish trap them and then they die. They can reintroduce them if they want to like the wolves. Just saying and thankyou for sharing.
  18. wildwoody

    Utah Pine Vally General Tag

  19. wildwoody

    Anyone know a SCI scorer ?

    Was hoping someone on here could direct me to a SCI scorers for a friend who might need one . Thankyou for any help
  20. wildwoody

    Utah Pine Vally General Tag

    How did you end up?
  21. wildwoody

    Week-end humor

  22. wildwoody

    Early 12a west

    Joel it was great meeting you up there. I hope you have realized that you do have a great representative of a northern plateau kiabab bick. These pictures do not do this buck justice. It is a slammer buck. Congratulations again.
  23. wildwoody

    Guess The Score !!

    Great mass.