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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    New here, need help!

    Not on campfire, that's another must. Good cheep chit. Good fishing for mule bucks..
  2. wildwoody

    New here, need help!

    Kuiu of course cost more.
  3. wildwoody

    New here, need help!

    Get a side by side limo..
  4. wildwoody

    Time for America to take ACTION

  5. wildwoody

    Time for America to take ACTION

    Fear mongering, not good..
  6. wildwoody

    Delete please

    Allgood, didn't mean to cause a fuss or down grade the quality or value of the posted item. Sorry boss
  7. This kid got his as all wrong doers.. Sentence should be lots of community service..
  8. wildwoody

    Delete please

    Thankyou! Anything else?
  9. wildwoody

    Delete please

    Look again.. Let me know if you come up with price.
  10. wildwoody

    No sheds but a pretty nice Dead head

  11. Backhoe, 3 people very sad
  12. wildwoody


    End of April..
  13. We agree to disagree, I get the barricades, and yes you have to get home, understood. But there's a point when you know better. Yes dead children is a punishment for sure, but sueing gila County when there's a stupid motorist law and then an old man does the same thing like the next week. I guess you could say it's part of the risk of living on the other side of the river. And yes Gila stupid county should have fixed it (a bridge ) along time ago. Just be carefull
  14. wildwoody

    Delete please

    On sale for $200.99 on basspro, whats your bottom??
  15. wildwoody

    Effects of the virus scare?

  16. Story goes he was playing in the river most of the day, hear say wasn't there.
  17. Maybe keep the next person from making the wrong decision, save one kid. I don't know people's lives are ruined all the time for bad decisions and are sitting in the big house. And I totally get the he'll there going thru losing there children.. Just me
  18. wildwoody

    Free camo

    That would be top self. And I will remember this..
  19. wildwoody

    Social Separation Canning

    Well done..
  20. Sue, for what they were being irresponsible, to say it nicely, I've been around these crossing all my life and for some reason people are getting dumber and dumber. And since children died yes they should be prosecuted . In my opinion
  21. wildwoody

    Wisc. Humor

    Love it, see ya when you get back..
  22. wildwoody

    Sea of Cortez fish for poor man's lobster

    I just go to Costco and get the real stuff..
  23. wildwoody

    Junior turkey tags/where to buy?

    Used to get ours at Walmart..