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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Bucket List: Caribou

    Caribou is my bucket list.
  2. wildwoody

    Application numbers

    Ya, great dream. But please convince your buddies not to put in. Just kidding. Gonna be more then ever.
  3. wildwoody

    Courtnix Quail

    Good stuff, used to eats eggs on the he'll when dad raised them, now its love birds,,
  4. wildwoody

    Sold. Samurai

  5. wildwoody

    Legality of Orders

    Oh these things are the chit, they bite heads off and chit down your thought.
  6. wildwoody

    Legality of Orders

    Die by the sword.. Lambs to slaughter Heard today it will be around 18 - 24 more months and 70% of the population will get it. Lets get it on, let the cards fall where they may. Really 2 more years, were all dead anyway.. God bless, we are humans we figure it out. I'm more concerned about the murder hornet from Asia
  7. wildwoody

    FS 2 Fattened hogs (sows), 1 small boar

    Can you eat them??
  8. wildwoody

    Legality of Orders

    Its the democrat's plan, socialism, this is a test and we passed lined up like sheep to slaughter. 99% of this is unconstitutional..
  9. wildwoody

    Anyone else get their Stimulus Check?

    Holy moly. I'll never get mine.
  10. wildwoody

    5B South

    nephew has the muzzle loader tag, can't wait , even gonna give up first week of my 6a hunt. Love the rut in this unit.
  11. wildwoody

    5B South

    Go get um..
  12. wildwoody

    5bs Turkey Frustrations

    Go out before dawn and see if you can locate there roust tree. Welcome to turkey hunting..
  13. wildwoody

    Effects of the virus scare?

    I got me some I relief
  14. wildwoody

    Effects of the virus scare?

  15. So your saying drop it in a stock, put a scope on it and go shot 800+ yards?
  16. wildwoody


    Just did my Mexico bucks, no fun..
  17. wildwoody

    Swarovski 15x56 SLC

    There you go, you just one the lottery..
  18. wildwoody

    Effects of the virus scare?

  19. wildwoody

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Go fishing.
  20. wildwoody

    fire pit. embarrassed to even ask this

    Them woods ain't goods, pert dry lots of wind. Won't be long, the sheep have gone crazy..
  21. wildwoody

    WTB Gas powered weed wacker

    Sorry it's a Toro. Would of sent in pm bought wouldn't let me. Take a look then we can talk if you want. Little sun fade on on off switch, plant around stem still, I believed only used twice, have had for 3 yrs.
  22. wildwoody

    Scam Account - Herry beware

  23. wildwoody

    Swarovski 15x56 SLC

    Awesome buy right here, if anything is wrong , send them in and get a new pair. Someone buy these
  24. wildwoody

    Scam Account - Herry beware

    Who is eagle mountain? And it is a wildwoody had to snip it, do to over populating with the ladies. Are there any ladies in buckeye.. Just kidding, it was fun got to go to the dump. Sucks