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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    New 18" tires off 2020 jeep wrangler for sale

  2. wildwoody

    New 18" tires off 2020 jeep wrangler for sale

    Maybe offers.
  3. wildwoody

    New 18" tires off 2020 jeep wrangler for sale

  4. wildwoody

    New 18" tires off 2020 jeep wrangler for sale

    Only 350 miles, cant believe nobody needs a great deal. Trying here
  5. wildwoody

    New 18" tires off 2020 jeep wrangler for sale

  6. wildwoody

    Woods Canyon Lake

    Its been a blue gill lake..
  7. wildwoody

    I declined a goulds tag that was surrendered

    I agree with the Corona crowd.. Good decision, next year..
  8. wildwoody

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Only thing that sucks about chickens you tend to spend more on feed then the amount of eggs you get. Love killing the roasters
  9. wildwoody

    Rules For Classifieds

    Really, well he disappeared. That's not a good attitude when your soliciting work on here. I have no problems with him, besides he disappears. I could probably use a good butt kicking
  10. wildwoody

    Rules For Classifieds

    Was joking about your statement of basically to bad so sad. No list
  11. wildwoody

    Rules For Classifieds

  12. wildwoody

    New 18" tires off 2020 jeep wrangler for sale

    Lots of tire kickers, don't want to post on Craigslist, would love to give a great deal to a member.
  13. wildwoody

    Rules For Classifieds

    It means your jerks. Better
  14. wildwoody

    New 18" tires off 2020 jeep wrangler for sale

  15. wildwoody

    Rules For Classifieds

    Not sure totally on what your saying, there is a oral agreement law in AZ I believe, but I've gone thru this a few times. Rules won't change anything, it common decency. I had a guy just recently told him ill take , where and when to meet, then crickets. Then saw it was sold after we had an agreement, sent him a pm and he went after my character. Some people are just argent jerks. Is what it is , is that the same as ( as is ), buyer beware? Anyway your on the watch out list .lol Made lots of great deals here with real stand up people. On this site.. Trphyhntr- I would at least contact him and explain, like i'm trying to do with bill@roofer.. My opinion only. Proceed
  16. wildwoody

    New 18" tires off 2020 jeep wrangler for sale

    Payson, can meet closer
  17. wildwoody

    New 18" tires off 2020 jeep wrangler for sale

    Back up for sale, these tires are basically brand new. Sorry for the miss communication with bill@roofer
  18. wildwoody

    Push Tanks - Where to set the camera

    Way to much salt in the woods already.
  19. wildwoody

    ISO someone who works with leather

    Looking for a holster for my 460s&w
  20. wildwoody

    New 18" tires off 2020 jeep wrangler for sale

    He's back, pending
  21. wildwoody

    New 18" tires off 2020 jeep wrangler for sale

    Back up..
  22. wildwoody

    Not Elk Pizza

    I'm in..
  23. wildwoody

    2006 Starcraft 13RT - $4900 - Sold!

    I miss my rt11
  24. wildwoody

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Your killing me , keep them coming. The effects alright. Ahhhhhhhhhh
  25. wildwoody

    How are Spring hunts going so far?

    Slow year, 4 gobblers in unit 1 , no bites at big lake