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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Looking to trade/sell Outdoorsmans tripod setup

    Cant believe no one has jumped on this..
  2. wildwoody


    To bad your Oregon..
  3. wildwoody

    Speed goat Wyoming

    Tick toc, time to quit procrastinating.
  4. wildwoody

    Speed goat Wyoming

    I think all the hunting locals are taken care off, they can even do over the counter tags. Probably 70%-30%nr
  5. wildwoody

    Speed goat Wyoming

    Wyoming loves the out of state money, and there aren't enough residents in Wyoming.
  6. wildwoody

    Speed goat Wyoming

    Stud. At least your modest..
  7. wildwoody

    Speed goat Wyoming

    How many bonus points do you need a good mule deer hunt..
  8. wildwoody

    Speed goat Wyoming

    Cool, was wondering if you need any duck decoys?
  9. wildwoody

    12B guide

    Here's your sign.
  10. wildwoody

    Speed goat Wyoming

    Adam they said you can't kill anymore. Also got another Mulie point makes 5 now.
  11. wildwoody

    Looking for new hunting rifle caliber

  12. wildwoody

    Electric dirt bike

  13. wildwoody

    Which lake gets less traffic?

    Eat them Damm things the maybe he will go away. And thanks PRDATR no way I could spell that and Coach knows it..
  14. wildwoody

    Which lake gets less traffic?

    Johnny? You mean Johnny Johnson?
  15. wildwoody

    Doves and pellet guns

    Might be because of the dart in his butt. Get a Benjamin with a silencer. Kill them all. At least you can't be a prostitute in your neighbor hood..
  16. wildwoody

    Free to a good home

    Why do people say they'll take it then disappear .. Bump
  17. wildwoody

    Am I Missing Anything

    Hours on the hill learning for yourself, and sure as heck nothing wrong with reading a book..
  18. wildwoody

    Coues cape

    Ouch, nice buck. You'll get one off here for a Benjamin .
  19. wildwoody

    i am in for bighorn

    Ain't getting your 1st or 2nd choice either but you put them in..
  20. wildwoody

    Carter Thumb Release

    Never knew releases costed so much. Bump
  21. wildwoody

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Cool now it can end, you know 50 pages shouldn't count. Just kidding. Congratulations
  22. wildwoody

    What is it?

  23. 5 - new only 350miles on 4 of these tires and 1 has 0 miles, ready to roll $250 for all 5
  24. wildwoody

    New 18" tires off 2020 jeep wrangler for sale

    Thankyou 5guys, quick and smooth deal. Was a pleaser meeting you and you son..
  25. wildwoody

    How Long Do You Glass?

    Until the cows come home..