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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Sad Day

    Yes, yes , and yes
  2. wildwoody


    Ya, chits getting weird.. Truck fixed?
  3. wildwoody


    Just heard from liable source, Payson has a threat to have the town burnt down at 10pm tonight staring in the National forest from the south. Please keeps eyes and ears open. This would take it to the next level..
  4. wildwoody

    Sad Day

    speed goat is the best meat , hoped to grab 4 tags in Wyoming, I have early 6a bull if I connect I throw you some goodness , Kids are gone and its a lot of meat.
  5. I think I teared up a little for him.. NOT
  6. wildwoody

    Popcorn thread

    Buckets full..
  7. wildwoody

    Popcorn thread

    Hopefully for ever, and he should have to dig numerous water holes by hand..
  8. wildwoody

    Payson ASAP

    Call me if you need help sorry I didn't see it until 5guyshunting pointed it out. 928 978 5096
  9. wildwoody

    Payson ASAP

    My son gets of from his mechanics job in a few which circle k
  10. wildwoody


    Oh chit..
  11. wildwoody

    Effects of the virus scare?

    Yes so true, and how do you keep the people out of it that have the power to stop it or let it continue, we can talk all you want. Its no longer up to us 25/06. And now its gotten political and Stanly gonna park this in the political section.
  12. wildwoody


    So sorry to here. To bad we can't all be like Prdatr, heartless for animals..
  13. wildwoody


    But not worse then the HIV
  14. wildwoody


    Now you know how it feels..
  15. wildwoody

    Fully semi-auto 12 gauge

    Yes you are, I've always sucked at spelling and sentences, spell it like it sounds,. I know there's 10ways too spell certain words. Anyway there's worse things to be then a bad speller and I have some pluses. Judge away sir..
  16. wildwoody

    Fully semi-auto 12 gauge

    Were bad, Stanley is coming for us.
  17. wildwoody

    mule deer draw odds

    I'm sure its worth the wait..
  18. wildwoody

    Fully semi-auto 12 gauge

    Fully semi auto, awesome. Bump
  19. wildwoody

    List of guns, other items etc Springerville auction

    That's a lot of stuff, might be game on heading up..
  20. What did they do, give me a hint, its in the news
  21. wildwoody

    Stanley "Again" whats wrong with riots ?

    Bite the sheep..
  22. wildwoody

    mule deer draw odds

    another $13 donation..
  23. wildwoody

    Rocky Mountain MD in AZ

    Dang litters.
  24. wildwoody

    Stanley "Again" whats wrong with riots ?

    Well gonna need a lot more hunting seasons because there's about 2% on this site that's about hunting, wish there was a lot more. So Stanley whats the password?