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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Outlaw bc777

    You know if you quit talking about him it will go away. He can rot privately
  2. wildwoody

    BUSH FIRE!!!!

    Up to 89000 acers
  3. wildwoody

    BUSH FIRE!!!!

    Ya they were feeling important.
  4. wildwoody

    4Runner for Sale

    Got my Tacoma done up at hatch, $599
  5. wildwoody

    BUSH FIRE!!!!

    Its not buddy, there just checking addresses and ID's, you can pass if you live from Payson to Deer creek.. They gave me chit because I had a service call in Oxboo
  6. wildwoody

    BUSH FIRE!!!!

    Ya might not be a bad thing, instead of slow terrible death.
  7. wildwoody

    BUSH FIRE!!!!

    Isn't the world supposedly going to end next week, per the miss reading of the Mayan calendar.. The smoke sucks.
  8. wildwoody

    SOLD Remington 700 BDL 30-06 PRICE DROP $475 SOLD

    If hoghntr doen't want it ill take it.. Just saying..
  9. Yup you are right..
  10. wildwoody

    BUSH FIRE!!!!

    Started dozer line in sunflower, Jeff is chasing cattle and running dozer lines. That guy is amazing..
  11. wildwoody

    BUSH FIRE!!!!

    Just updated on channel 3
  12. wildwoody

    BUSH FIRE!!!!

    65000 acers now.
  13. wildwoody

    BUSH FIRE!!!!

    Start of another day. Thanks for the pictures..
  14. Happens a lot, need to work on the classified rules especially for members with less then 100 posts..
  15. wildwoody

    BUSH FIRE!!!!

    That's just wrong.. Hope you find one,,
  16. wildwoody

    BUSH FIRE!!!!

    Hope not..
  17. wildwoody

    BUSH FIRE!!!!

    Why they do it to Payson every weekend and no one feels bad, WA wa Plume exploded around 5pm, winds are calming down now.
  18. wildwoody

    BUSH FIRE!!!!

    There you go, info, keep it coming..
  19. wildwoody

    need crosbow

    Pm you Toby..
  20. wildwoody

    my 2019 12aw late mule deer

    Lookie there, that's a Dandy. Congratulations
  21. wildwoody

    North Kaibab On Fire

    Bush fire up to 36,000 acres per the incident management team that took over yesterday.
  22. wildwoody

    North Kaibab On Fire

    yup, chit getting real, El oso rd on fire, its gonna make it tonto and pumpkin center, but our hotshots are top self. So please if you don't live up here stay away. Maybe take a weekend off. Let us sweat this out..
  23. wildwoody

    SOLD Remington 700 BDL 30-06 PRICE DROP $475 SOLD

    Sweet, got a model 700 25-06 thinking about putting up, great Guns. Cool mount
  24. wildwoody

    North Kaibab On Fire

    Blowing 10-15 with 28mph gusts, visibility is 1 mile or less.. Sucks Can you see a plume from down there yet ?