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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    Late Bull Semi-Live Hunt

    The rutting season is changing. Congratulations
  2. wildwoody

    Late Bull Semi-Live Hunt

    Good bull. Very taste. Congratulations
  3. wildwoody

    Whats my score

    Do you do official scoring?
  4. wildwoody

    Late Bull Semi-Live Hunt

  5. wildwoody

    Petition To Prohibit Hound Hunting In Arizona

    WTF, all these low life's do is try something new to go after. F them
  6. wildwoody

    Daughters first bull

    F them bone heads. Congratulations dad, and to your daughter. Time to fish..
  7. wildwoody

    Who is doing elk euro in the nw valley

    Nice bull, congratulations
  8. wildwoody

    Shockey’s sheep

    11 points for Az and out of state, ya you suck. And lucky
  9. wildwoody

    Doctor binoculars 30x80

    Same here, awesome glass.
  10. wildwoody

    23 late bull

    Heading into the pines for a few weeks.
  11. wildwoody

    Late Bull Semi-Live Hunt

    They'll be back tomorrow..
  12. wildwoody

    Shockey’s sheep

  13. wildwoody

    Shockey’s sheep

    I won't, there's to many first timers get drawn, but don't get me wrong I like the lotary
  14. wildwoody

    Shockey’s sheep

    Oh, and not everyone can get drawn, 26 ram points 28 speed goat. But at least you super hunters can strut your stuff like little peacocks. Wish we could all be cool and shoot big studs like you guys. I agree nice ram tips.
  15. wildwoody

    Max's second deer 3hrs in opening day

    Great buck, congradulations
  16. wildwoody

    Opening day success

    Don't think trophy meant anything. Been on these hunts. Its first come first serve. Congrats you did nothing wrong except shoot a GIANT....
  17. wildwoody

    NM youth coues

    There's a slammer, congratulations
  18. wildwoody

    Opening day success

  19. wildwoody

    What's your favorite Burger Joint?

    What ever happened to the giant Morman lake burger
  20. wildwoody

    What's your favorite Burger Joint?

    Where, fish and chips?
  21. wildwoody

    What's your favorite Burger Joint?

    Hodads in San Diego
  22. wildwoody

    European Mounts

    Glad to have you, there's a couple other Euro guys here. Little competition is always good..
  23. wildwoody

    Black Friday Sales

    Its a crispi blow out sale. Thanks for pointing it out.
  24. wildwoody

    Black Friday Sales

    Love campfire.