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Everything posted by wildwoody

  1. wildwoody

    WTH is the Black National Anthem??

    Not touching this one..
  2. wildwoody

    Wapiti Weekend

    My Kids did the spike camp back in the day and had done there hunters ed class while they were there. If you have Kids do this for sure.
  3. wildwoody

    12AW snow fall and driving

    Thru Page to Fredonia, around into Sowatts..
  4. wildwoody

    Looking for recommendations for a Pellet Smoker

    My new pit boss is so easy, cleaning smoking , trap door to swap, out pellets, self clean, can go up to 400°. Check them out at Lowe's.. Also you can use tragger pellets if need be, but I found a great variety of pit boss pellets at Walmart..
  5. wildwoody

    12AW snow fall and driving

    Gonna probably come in the back way..
  6. wildwoody

    Updating portal

    Nov 22 whitebutt.
  7. wildwoody

    Results up on AZGF Portal.

    Dad and bro drew 12e with 2 pts..
  8. wildwoody

    Results up on AZGF Portal.

    Got tag # 38 2nd choice Nov. 22 whitebutt deer, with that low of number thought I would have gotten the Bab, guess everyone puts in for the BAB now..i'm hunting
  9. wildwoody

    Where Can I Get Good Fireworks?

    Not cure, powerfull
  10. wildwoody

    Dating a snowflake?

    Congratulations Stanley..
  11. wildwoody

    Where Can I Get Good Fireworks?

    Oh ya, loved real m80's and cherry bombs back as a kid in Jersey, they blew hands off..
  12. wildwoody

    Matching set of blackies

    That's some crazy chit right there..
  13. wildwoody

    Fires and how soon

    Finely that mountain was way to thick.
  14. wildwoody

    Where Can I Get Good Fireworks?

    Yep Sitgraves is open, there were some in Coconino. Had to slap the wife for bad info. Hope I don't make the police report..
  15. wildwoody

    Sad news- Hoghunter

    A guy named Mike got one on here for him..
  16. wildwoody

    Where Can I Get Good Fireworks?

    After 50 you don't give a chit what day it is. Its happy day.. Keep busting my balls ladies..
  17. wildwoody

    Love snakes, but not these ones!!!!

    Cool chit right there.
  18. wildwoody

    Big thanks to Edge!!

    Glad to see you made it happen, sorry the Podunk Police harassed you up here..
  19. wildwoody

    Sad news- Hoghunter

    She texted me yesterday, strong women right there. God bless
  20. wildwoody

    Where Can I Get Good Fireworks?

    You wouldn't think it was closed, Sitgraves is also, but the people are coming in groves already and its only Tuesday..
  21. wildwoody

    Where Can I Get Good Fireworks?

    What is your hang up, lol. To bad there banned up here and the FOREST IS CLOSED.. So bring it..
  22. wildwoody

    Where Can I Get Good Fireworks?

    There should be stands down there, just no aerial stuff like rockets and roman candles, you can do sparklers and snakes and black cats. Kinda sucks
  23. wildwoody

    Sad news- Hoghunter

    That would Hurt..
  24. wildwoody

    Granite Mountain IHC

    Ok so you weren't disrespecting them, your state above sounded like they shouldn't be listed with Yarnell, confused but not offended.
  25. wildwoody

    Granite Mountain IHC

    So the Men who died are less important, just asking..