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Posts posted by az4life

  1. With the quality fo news organizations like CBS, NBC and ABC we won't ever hear about the jihad and gradual muslim takeover going on in all free countries.


    Even in the US the public schools teach classes on islam and teach students to recite muslim prayers, read the koran, and dress, talk, and act like muslims. England ain't got the market cornered on this crap.


    Obam will take care of it here though!

  2. Too many politicians is right.


    Each an every one of them openly sells their vote on key issuse. Send me this much to my state for this project and I'll vote for this. If you add money for abridge in my state I will vote for the continued funding of the war in Afganistan.


    This sort of crap is what makes them criminals in my mind. Payoffs for pet projects and programs in their state/district jsut to go along with something they don't agree with. The forefathers NEVER imagined this sor of slime in office.

  3. Here's something else to take note of;

    ABC CBS NBC news networks have not uttered 1 word about the uncovering of evidence of fraud on global warming. It's been about 2 weeks now and not 1 word on the matter. It does not sync with their liberal agendas so they ignore it.


    They have their heads in the sand because they still believe they are the sole sources of news for the country. They better look around because the population has many more news sources than their hogwash.


    Look at the little evidence they have in other stories that they run with. They even make up the news they want you to believe.

  4. Avast has a free version and it seems pretty solid. They register it and you have auto updates and annually you get notice to re-register. Also have a more featured pay version.


    Go to Cnet.com and search for free antivirus and they probably have several listed with ratings.

  5. of those choices the 25.06 should be the lighter recoil.

    243 wssm is likely heaviest.

    Take into consideration the weight of the gun, and stock type when you drop the money.

    If you get something like a Tika t3 lite, the recoil is going to be heavier because the gun weight is lighter.

    Now convincing a youngster that carrying around a little extra weight will help lessen the recoil could be good for participation in the decision process. Sort of buy in on a heavier gun or the heavier recoil.

    .02 for thought

  6. I was reading a magazine this week where the author listed a multitude of guns but his pick as the best all around gun for north American game was anything in 300 mag.

    That said he preferred to shoot .270 and .308 but personal sentiment aside he said 300 mags, (Win mag, Ultra, Weatherby or H&H) had the best range, knockdown, trajectory and flexibility in bullet choices factory or reloads.


    One of the last things he said was the gun, ammunition, optics and hunter all must work together so just owning the equipment won't help if you don't go out and practice a lot with it.


    Food for thought (appetizer before the turkey)

  7. Proper meat care is critical. If you don't think about it as part of the hunt you probably won't like it after the hunt is over.


    I took an antelope roast to work for a food fest day and even the people who said they did not like antelope could not believe how good it was. Like a lean cornfed beef roast some said. Several said they have heard antelope is gamey, and stringy but there's another myth blown, with a simple rump roast that was more than a year old in the freezer.


    No fancy recipe can fix poor field care of the meat either.

    You gotta treat it like it is something you are going to eat. Has anyone seen anyone else dragging grocery meat across the parking lot and leaving it sit in the car for a day or 3 before putting it in the freezer?


    Proper meat care makes the difference.

  8. Tasco. Anything


    As for Mac, and Duct tape, maybe we need to have a pinned topic for duct tape emergencies and unbelievables.

    (my phone ringer is the Macgver theme)


    I can't seem to find it now but saw a series of pics of an Alaskan bush pilot who had his plane Really tore up by a big bear and fixed it with duct tape and flew it back out a couple hundred miles to get properly done. I'll post if I can find it.

  9. It is sad that if you single out a muslim, you are racist, or biggoted.


    If a muslim complains that someone is eating a pork hot dog at school, everyone goes berserk and the pork is no more.


    I am not saying all muslims are terrists but take a look at a few notable terrorist acts against the US, this century. 9/11 Ft hood, USS Cole, there are a lot of terrorist acts carried out by muslims, in the world, not only in the US.


    An abortion clinic violence, School shootings or gay bashing and other similar events have been escalated to levels called "terrorism", but muslims are the ones that are the suicide bombers and they are the ones that rarely ever come out against these actions.

  10. The good news about cash for clunkers is a lot of Obama stickers were pulled off the road too.


    I buy ammunition every chance I have and I do not plan to stop anytime soon.

    Always looking for guns too.

    It may not be long before someone from Obamanation comes knocking looking for where our Caches are.


    Hindsight is 20-20 but as stupid as the voters are I don't think they will see the error when they get free phones and Obama and team tax those creating the jobs to pay for those who are happy to stay on welfare.


    We are sooo totally drilled.



    While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75 year old rancher, who's hand was caught in the gate while working cattle, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Obama and his bid to be our president.


    The old rancher said, 'Well, ya know, Obama is a 'Post Turtle''.


    Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a 'post turtle' was.


    The old rancher said, 'When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a 'post turtle'.


    The old rancher saw the puzzled look on the doctor's face so he continued to explain.


    • You know he didn't get up there by himself
    • he doesn't belong up there
    • and he doesn't know what to do while he's up there
    • and you just wonder what kind of idiot put him up there to begin with!


    Hail to the Chief!


  12. Looks like about 8-10 inches last night and the wind piled it up a lot more in places. Ground is still fairly warm so we have slush beneath the snow on roads and drives.


    it's 22 now and more snow later is likely by the forecast.

    Ironic that I installed a heat pump when I built the house and we did not even run it 1 time during the summer.

    I guess It's a good thing we did not just install A/C as I can use the heat pump down to about 25.....





  13. I know those cows were persistent and a friend had some of them take off a mirror on his vehicle a while back so I did not want that to happen. With that goat in the freezer, and the COLD SNOW and Wind this weekend I am going to be in the garage getting mu elk hunting gear ready to go for Wednesday when I get back from work!

    The Snowy range near Laramie is where I'm heading and they are supposed to have about 12 inches tonight. Looking fwd to trying my new 1000gram Danners!
