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Posts posted by az4life


    Don't forget that this is the administration that if you disagree they call you anti-american...


    Are you saying that the republicans support individuality? Now that is funny....


    and you are correct the republican house and senate did give the president authority to go into Iraq... and we are just finding out that the admin lied to push it's agenda...






    Your complaints and replies are nothing more than diversionary tactics used to avoid specifics and evoke sympathy and unity.


    You say President Bush (the administration) Lied. Tell us... What was the Specific lie? You cannot point to a specific, because there isn't one. Inaccurate information that is passed on is not a lie.

    Who in the administration calls anyone "Anti-American" for disagreeing with them? I am sure you can't give a name.

    Deflecting the blame to a "republican house and senate" makes you feel better and avoids self blame but over 40% of the house and senate were Dems that voted to go in as well.


    I feel sorry that you have been indoctrinated to the socialist propaganda from the democrat party. I will pray for your recovery, and I hope that you will see that regurgitating party rhetoric is not the way of a thoughtful individual, but it IS the way of "Sheeple" that "flock" to the party you seem to represent.


    By the way, here is some verified data on what makes up the price of Gasoline at the pump on average. I must apologize as I was a bit off on my 10% profit figure. The actual Profit percentage on average is 6 (SIX) percent. This is divided among the Producer AND Transporter AND Retailer.

    "April 2006 breakdown of the components of the price of a gallon of gasoline: 54% is the price of crude; 21% is the cost of refining; 2% is the cost of transportation; 17% is taxes; they don't list a cost for retailing and marketing; and profit to refiner, transporter, and retailer is 6%."

    Info verified at http://www.gravmag.com/oil.html


    May each one of us Think, Verify and Prove what we purport to be facts before we try to use them as a bully club on another. Yes we can all go round and round in politics, but the bottom line is, Don't trust the media, do your own research and you might be surprised at what you will find that is contrary to what they are feeding you. Irony is, Unless you verify the media stories, Some day you could be charged with lying when you pass on what they reported inaccurately.


    This Thread is entitled "The Marine". As Tribute, May God Bless our Troops everywhere and bless our great country which they protect.

  2. Okay... I gotta reply.... one more time


    Did you know that every time someone complains about the price of a GALLON of GAS, or a BARREL of OIL, they scream about the huge oil company profits . No one likes high prices either, but did you realize that the Profit made on a gallon of gas is about 10 Percent. Did you realize that the TAXES the Federal government "earns" on a gallon of gas is almost double that. Add the state taxes and in some cases it is triple what the company gets.


    Now if your business sells organic fertilizer and you make a 10% profit, and the government gets 20%, the cost of producing, packaging, shipping, marketing add up to 70% how long would you stay in business?


    If you want lower prices on gas... look to reduce the Taxes as your best savings.

  3. Voting and Elections are certainly an interesting thing.


    I do agree that We are a long way off from the 2008 election but as of now, I don't like any of the candidates. In 2000 and 2004 it was the same (poor choices) but we should be responsible to choose based on all the information available, Not just the information we want to hear or using only that which we believe. Bush has been a disappointment in a lot of areas but I believe most of his decisions are thought out and made with the bigger picture in mind. Immigration and use of the Veto, he gets an "F" in my book. Anti Terrorism and social issues he gets a "B-". Fiscal responsibility he gets a "C-". My mind is open and looking for a better candidate from either party.


    Seems like we are really in more of an Oligarky than a 2 party system. This fake-out 2 party system has been Since about the time when Slick Willy left. As the republicans and democrats (republicrats) spend our money like drunken politicians. Almost All of them are fiscally liberal and irresponsible pork lovers. That said, Social issues are now those that make the most difference in an individual's alignment with a party. Anyone who is pro-abortion, pro-socialist medicine, pro-gun control, pro-govenment control, is not acting in the best interest of this society imho and will not get my vote.


    I find it odd that you are tested and then need a license to drive, but anyone can vote without a test or any clue on issues.

    With some of the comments posted here and elsewhere it sad and quite obvious the biased media is the only source of information for many people.


    Slanted information and half truths from biased sources is why so many people never will have a political clue. My rule is before I start spouting off, I do try to take some time and research to verify what has been reported. More often than not you will find there are more than 2 sides to the story. Those who just "carry water" are only slaves to their party and have little independent thought.



    Valerie Plame This was a non issue of a CIA office worker's (not covert agent) identity being "confirmed" (not disclosed).


    Roberto Gonzales... There has not been 1 person reported anywhere that I have found who says these dismissals are a crime. Yet millions will be spent to investigate. Investigate What? political appointees without contracts, who were let go? C'mon Sour grapes is all there is here.


    Swift boaters. This group had ZERO to do with Bush. They supported Bush only by sharing their information with voters about Kerry. If Kerry wanted to disprove them, he could have opened his records but he never has.


    I am the Decider - I personally do not know the specifics of the quote, but Check the constitution. The president is elected by the people and granted decision making authority. So is the congress.

    Draconian - Exceedingly harsh; very severe I don't think so . David Geffin's quote said it was disturbing that the Clintons "lie with such ease" . He was close to them, and a respected (before this quote) friend of them.


    My wife agrees, that any woman who votes for Hillary is ignorant (un-informed, failing to use complete or accurate data) or sexist ( in this case - making a voting decision based only on gender).


    Lots of fun, but Enough politics for now, I'm bowing out on this topic to avoid harder feelings.


    God Bless our Service people and This great country.

  4. Well said Guys.

    I would like to add that Hillary (in particular) has a long documented history of dislike and contempt for the military. Remember when she forced the uniformed military guards in the white house to not wear uniforms but wear suits? Now she is cozying up to the military every chance she has. She has determined now, that she has a use for the military.... Photo Ops, to get her elected.


    Her friends know she is a vicious, vendictive, self centered and self important politician. It is very disturbing that she "lies with such ease" as quoted recently by one of the clinton's former advisors. She also is ranked as one of the most liberal senators in congress, and she espouses socialistic solutions to address any problems that arise. She recently advocates taking profits from business to finance socialist medical plans.


    Hillary is too polarizing (love, hate) and aside from garnering overwhelming votes from the women that would not usually vote because they don't follow political issues, she has stiff competition. If the Clintons are the best the democrats have to offer, we should all read up on Karl Marx, as that is more likely our future than any support of or respect for individualism.

  5. Seems quite likely actually. I met a knife maker ... John Toner... who bought antlers by the pound for all sorts of things, including knife handles. When dropping off a box of antlers to him his 2 dogs searched through the pile and found a couple they wanted to chew on. He pointed out that they never chewed the good ones as they like the softer ones.

  6. I left a rifle and part of my gear on a coues hunt once. It was afternoon on 12-31 and I had several rough miles to hike out with my deer. I was pretty sick and should not have even been out hunting but it was the last day of the season and rut was happening! So after dropping the deer across a canyon he fell into a deep ravineI hauled it up the canyon and seeing the time and distance knew I had a dilema. I took half the deer and half my gear along with all my water. Started hiking and Made it in about 3 hours, and nearly puked my guts out! I learned a lesson. Always say that is the last time I will do something so stupid as that... until the next time. :P


    No time energy or water to get the rest of the deer n gear so I headed home and called AZGFD poachers hotline to let them know that I would be heading out with half a deer, (untagged) and part of my gear including my gun on the next day ( Jan 1st.)


    They about flipped that I left a gun out there. I told them I had seen no one there in the whole season so no worries. Just did not want to get tagged myself for someone thinking I was poaching.


    Anyway, forgetting a rifle or losing one while hunting is possible, but you have to wonder how! Maybe the hunter is missing too? Good luck getting it back to the rightful owner.

  7. i met amanda but didn't get to talk much. too many folks were hoggin' her. at least now she knows how good lookin' i am in person. spent 3 or 4 mintues at the azgfd exhibit talkin' to guy a i thought i knew when a young lady warden told me i was talkin' to a stuffed javelina. i thought it was bullwidgeon. she said i was the 3rd guy that day. i swear that think talked back.........Lark.



    LOL ROFLMAO :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Glad you brought your humor back Lark
