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Posts posted by az4life

  1. Holy Coues!


    I did not notice I was passed up on posts. Amanda I don't mind, but Casey? :o :blink:


    Well that's what happens when you work 14 hour days! I guess it's appropriate anyway since I left AZ.


    There has been a lot of traffic to the site noting the # of daily posts that are new so...


    The correct answer to Amanda's question is 2347 posts and 30123 views for the month!

  2. I think the operating systems have things in the TOOLs section to allow direct cable linking. XP or higher should get it done.

    I am not an expert but am fairly sure it can be done. My puters only have Jacks, not Jets so maybe I don't know nuttin. :blink:

    Just check it out in the help section (F1) on your PC for sure. Look up link computers or networking

  3. One of the best Coues deer hunters, taxidermist and inventer of the moses stick, was the late John Doyle. He said "get up high and look low. " John ment by that, I think, is that the big boys are lazy and will travel the low road which is usually thicker cover. Now in Dec we are close to the rut, then they will have other things on their minds and be found in more visible areas. This is a good post to get everyone juices flowing. :P


    Agree with this one for sure!

  4. BPS and SW are nice and yeah ,I know SW was in the valley first, but my favorite store is the one I first went into back in the mid 90's on a midwest vacation trip. Cabela's.


    When I first went there, I'd never seen a store that had such a "wow" factor. Purely impressive back then and and it still is. A real big box outdoors, fishing, hunting store was as rare as honest politicans back then. Cabela's Customer service has never disappointed me either.


    That's what makes free market great though. Lots of choices for stores and there are plenty more inside whatever store you choose.


    Enjoy your options while you have them, and vote for your favorite one with your purchases!

  5. Whooooeeeeee Scott, Congratulations on the first step. Enjoy the rest when you can!

    Maybe you can have a class on glassing, and the fee is a day's work on your house! :rolleyes:

    You will find it rewarding to build your own home I am sure!


    I'd love to help but am working so many hours on my job right now I have trouble keeping up at my wyoming home. Now to make things more challenging, We have bought a 2nd house to avoid a 200 mile daily commute (I'll use during the week and avoid the long commute).

    If I start working less than 60 hour weeks, I will have plenty to do in the evenings on one house and honey-do's on the main one during the weekend.



  6. That does suck.

    Did the police look for prints or find anything that will help track down the lowlife pukes?

    I recall when I was in the valley, having to put guards out in the parking lots during church services because

    thieves figured out they had at least an hour alone with all these nice cars and stuff inside to steal. Sad to say you

    need to put that kind of security in the budget for a wedding now.


    Hope they find the pukes and your stuff. Be sure to contact the credit reporting companies and let them know to notify you

    if anyone tries to open new accounts in your wife's name. Be on guard about identity theft for the next year or so.


    Good Luck
