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Posts posted by az4life

  1. Shrillary, Edwards Obama all got 7's....


    Here's my surprises..

    Tom Tancredo 57


    Thompson 50

    MCLame 50

    Hunter 50


    I like Thompson but not sure he has the energy himself to make the long haul to election. Seems to peter out on speeches and has taken a very light campaign trail up to now.

    We'll have to see if the spark begins to burn brighter stronger and hotter in the next few months.


    Mclame and Duncan hunter surprised me. I would not vote for Mclame if he was the only republican candidate out there. I'd vote for a libertarian or independent first. That guy has lost all respect I ever gave him as he caters to illegals.

  2. Woke up to our dog barking on the foot of the bed. Could not figure out what he was doing. Loooking out the window and barking.... at snow coming down! We have only had him for a few months so I guess he had not seen it snow before! Guess he knew his potty breaks would not be the same for 4-5 months...


    The white blanket Sure is purdy though!

  3. I am waiting for my commission check and when it gets here I will get back all of the money that was pulled out of my account when the first funds transfer turned out to be phoney.

    The company CEO who contacted me said it was a dishonest employee who took advantage of us both and he would make restitution to me as soon as he could. He said if I was patient while he made restitution and I would do another deal with him, I could be his new company treasurer also. I'll get a title, a new car, plane travel to and from his country for meetings and a salary of $5.2M annually!

    I can't wait! It has only cost me my good credit rating and I can clean that up when I get rich from my new career! I'll just ask my creditors to wait a while cause when I get that commission check and new job, I will be rich and a company treasurer too!

  4. Here's a couple to add


    Saw a doe chasing a coyote about 25 yrs ago in 4b. She chased this yote down the hill across the canyon from me. Well after about 5 minutes and a very slow day, I decided to take out the yote. Fired 1 shot and dropped him. The doe stopped, looked around and then went over and nudged him a few times. She stood there looking around and looking at him, then after about 5 minutes more and I got up to start across the canyon she saw me and headed up the hill again.


    Another thing was in 24b near an old mine. We were hunting uphill from a trailer and about dark we were starting down the hill toward the tuck. Some guy comes out of the trailer and starts yelling and dancing around with his pants down around his ankles. He kept it up... Errrr, rather he "kept at it"... for a few minutes then went back in the trailer . A bit later we hear the same sounds and get to a spot we can see, and here is the old guy doing his dropped drawers dance again. We nicknamed him Crazy Larry, and I'll say it sure was hard to hike that hill in the future while keeping quiet. All the laughing and snickering....

  5. Nice Buck for sure. I would say to give your boy the first crack at him. Make sure you vaccinate him for buck fever before you head out. Seeing him at night is one thing but finding him in the day is another.

    The lessons you teach your son would be many, and if he never takes this deer, you will teach him why it is called "hunting" and not called "killing".


    You could take a nice one either way if he misses.

  6. With all these early seasons creating more "opportunity" so says the AGFD... It definitley makes it a lot harder to keep meat decent for eating. Maybe it will create more opportunity this year but wait until a few guys take them deer home and find the maggots taste better than the meat they broiled in the sun for a couple days. Then they won't want to hunt again cause it don't taste good.

    There is a good way to lower hunter retention!

  7. Man, I've got a ton of "weird" stuff that I've seen.......especially because of all the time i've spent out in the woods with Shortypants! :lol: I have seen and heard the crazy mating rituals of the porcupine, and always thought the screams and moans were because of the quills :lol: :ph34r: The craziest and saddest thing I've found has to be when my brother and I found a human leg, the sad part was that it was from a young person :( The scariest happened last year and I still have no explaination for it. A client and I were set up on a tank about 2 hours before light on the late elk hunt. The temps were at a record low last year and I know it was below zero that morning. We packed in our sleeping bags to sit in and stay warm and had just gotten comfortable and turned our headlamps off. All of a sudden branches broke not more than 15 yrds behind me and "something" started screaming it's head off at us! The critter or creature I should say, sounded like it wasn't very big by the sounds of the branches and sage breaking as it ran sideways to my right. It kept screaming as it moved and you could tell it would turn away as it screamed and then turn toward us while still screaming. I was all tied up in my sleeping bag trying to get out and finally got the light on it but I could never see any eyes even though it was still within 30 yrds or so! The screams were something I've never heard before anywhere! I've been in the woods huntin and chasin critters my whole life and I believe I've had encounters with almost every critter in this state, but this was somethin' new!!! The screams were very loud, very angry, and non-stop! My client was yelling at me "what the --- is that" and I was yelling " I don't ----- know! over and over again as I tried to get the light on it. The problem was that each time I breathed out the frost from my breath blocked out my light and I couldn't see past it! I don't know why I did it, I think because I had to just know what it was, but I took off running after it! The critter stayed ahead of me and I could tell it would stop and scream back at me and then start running again! My client was too afraid to stay so he was runnin' behind me yelling " what the --- do you think you're doing?" This client NEVER cusses so this obviously had him shook up too! This lasted for several hundred yards and then it shut up and dissappeared! I looked after it had gotten daylight and couldn't find any tracks but I was originally guessing it was a Javalina, bobcat or lion, but it sounded like neither! What ever it was it was very upset with us! I got the goosebumps all over again just writing about it! Maybe it was a Chupacabra?! :P Thanks, JIM>

    I bet it was the Mogollon Monster. Y'know, the AZ answer to Bigfoot!

  8. I think many of us like to hunt with friends who also enjoy the sport. Having more eyes in the field also means having more feet, smells and noises there also. ore people means The more opportunity there is to spot the game but there is also more opportunity to BE SPOTTED by the game. It can be a double edged sword, so I would say let people hunt how they choose.


    Having an outfitter guide you is not the same as using stearoids to hit more homers. No Asterick needed on most hunting records unless they are on fenced killing fields like some Buffalo "hunts".

  9. I saw that on Wednesday I think and stopped most workers in the department as they saw it too. Everyone thought the Veteran deserved another medal.

    It's pretty obvious that mexican heritage and culture is a big thing to the legal and illegal hispanics. But living in this country, there should be more respect for it, otherwise why not go back to mexico.

  10. Sad news to hear. :(

    I met Bob a couple times over the years. 25+ ago when he was helping as a local personality for a Yellow Front store grand opening, and again in 2001 when he published my mountain lion encounter story in the AZ Repugnant outdoor section and even on the lake one time as he rode along with AGFD patrol as I recall.

    Also saw him at various other outdoor venues over the years. He definitely seemed to enjoy being the unofficial expert on AZ outdoors as he spoke with people.

    Rest in Peace Bob, and thanks for the memories sir.

  11. Dang Doug... I think you forgot a toilet and sink.

    I assume these are the main items as a reminder, and that you don't carry them all... Right? :blink:




    Binos, tripod,

    Snacks - Jerky, peanuts, trailmix granola bars pr similar for a day long trip

    Hard Candy - Jolly Rancher or....

    Water, maybe a can of coke




    small LED flashlight


    Tag , License

    Gun and ammo

    FRS if legal


    That is my basic pack depending on the game and weather.

  12. Well some of those #s seem a bit high but even if they are only half of what was posted, It still is one major sucking sound coming from the turd world neighbor to the south. You're right, they have no respect for their own land why should they change here when the first thing the sphinctors do is break our law to come here. I'm tired of it, just deport them all. We need illegals like we need more taxes. They are a Drain on our economy any way you slice it!


    Nuff said! Our politicians need to do something about it. The House and senate have an 11% approval rating and a lot of the DIS approval is cause of thier in-action on Criminal Aliens.

